Board Games

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Sitting yourself down on the couch you couldn't tell if this next hour would ease your mind or only build up more stress for you. "So when was the last time you've played this game?" You yelled, making sure Harper could hear you from across the apartment.

On the other side of the home, at the end of the hallway, Harper was searching the storage closet for the game, eyes going up and down and up and down and up and down, still no luck finding it, he spoke though, answering your question. "Years...the last time was probably a couple of months after mine and Terrance's parents died." He saw a green hand-knitted blanket covering a clumpy figure and grew amused, he lifted the blanket and found the board game sitting where it had been resting for years. He took it out and made his way back towards you.

"Do you even remember how to play?" You questioned him.

"Of course I do" He scoffed. As he opened the box though he got nervous as it seemed the rule book was long gone.

Crossing your arms you watched as he set up the bored. "So you two used to play this correct?"

Harper nodded, not looking up from the bored he was setting up.

"Then how come you two have such a bad relationship now?" This made Harper hesitate from putting a stack of fake ten-dollar bills on the table. "I mean if you two once could play board games together then I'm only assuming that means you two used to be good friends." You looked out the window and heard faint city sounds which caused you to relax in your seat more. "what happened?"

Harper regained himself and continued setting up the table. "Life happens, brother's get diagnosed with mental illnesses... stuff." He shrugged off. You found his answer to be rather rushed and made you feel a bit uneased.

"What are we even doing talking about this?" He questioned. "Here let's start. I'm the race car. You have no say in this."

You rolled your eyes and picked the dog. The two of you then started your game. As you played you became more and more confident in the assumption that Harper had no idea what was going on as you had to remind him of the rules almost every turn. This amused you though so you didn't mind. It did make it seem like the game was a bit longer than it should have been though. Which you also didn't mind. It at least gave you something to do.

Once the two of you reached the end of the game you reigned victoriously. Actually, you beat Harper so bad you could see the embarrassment radiating off of his face. You couldn't help but be proud of yourself. Although since he didn't really know the rules you suppose it would be just as easy for a child to have beaten him.

"Well...we could play another game." You suggested, sitting up from the couch and stretching.

"We could, but I have a better idea."

you raised an eyebrow as you watched Harper get up and walk past you. He went into the kitchen. He rummaged through some drawers and pulled out a notepad and pen. He walked back to you and handed them over to you. "Here, since we have almost no groceries you can make a list of things we'll need as we wait these next four days. I would write them down but I think it would look awfully suspicious if my brother received a grocery list in my handwriting."

You understood what he was saying and the two of you sat down and discussed what things you might need Terrance to pick up when he goes out tomorrow. When the two of you were done You ripped the page off and folded it into your pocket.

"Make sure you actually remember to give it to him when he gets back." Harper pressured.

"I will." You nudged. heading out to put the notepad and pen back. As you walked past the front door though you heard footsteps outside, along with the jingling of keys. You quickly turned back to Terrance. "I think he's back, go hide."

Terrance without hesitation got up and hurried to your room where he was planning on hiding for the course of the week.

You quickly put the supplies in your hand back into the kitchen just in time as Terrance opened the door. You smiled as you shot your head up in his direction. trying to seem as unsuspicious as possible. Terrance found your glance and smiled as well.

"Hello, Y/N. What are you doing in the kitchen?"

"Oh, I'm just trying to see if there's anything to cook with around here." You nervously chuckled.

"Ah, I'm sorry about that but I don't have much food to cook with haha. I brought takeout for us to eat for dinner. I hope you liked the breakfast I made you though." He cheerfully sang, happy to see you were still in his apartment.

"Oh, ok, I actually have a list of things that maybe you could pick up?" You took the list out of your pocket and handed it to him. He began to read it. "As for breakfast..." You didn't really get to enjoy it like you hoped you would but you couldn't tell him that Harper ate it either so you came up with a lie. "I liked it a lot!" You enthusiastically cheered.

His face lit up at this. "I'm glad" His cheeks began to turn a red honey color and he placed the take out he brought home. "Here let's eat. Afterward, I have another surprise for you."

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