Late night dance

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Sitting down at the dinner table you didn't feel nearly as uneasy as you expected yourself to be. Terrance had fished out the take out from the brown paper bag. Fiddling with the dishes he set down chicken legs and mashed potatoes in front of you.

"S-Sorry I know I should have asked you what you liked..." his already tired face looked disappointed in himself and for a moment he had regained that innocent stature you first saw when you met him. That is to say he hasn't lost all of that since he's taken you captive. As awful as it was having to be stuck in here you did have to admit he was very sweet.

"It's ok." You softly reassured him. "I enjoy this anyways." As you smiled you soon regretted that action.

His face was painted with an unnerving smile, some night describe it merely pure glee but you couldn't get the feeling that there was something more behind it. You both continued your meal in silence. This could clearly make Terrance nervous as the silence from you could mean anything and he was no left to his own thoughts on why you didn't speak a word.

Unexpectedly and hurriedly Terrance stood up and cleaned up his things. He excused himself from the table and went back into the hallway only into what you thought was his bedroom. For trying his supposed hardest to be a good host you sure didn't feel it at times. Nonetheless you continued to eat your meal and cleaned up after yourself. Once you were finished you stood up and decided to sit on the couch, wondering where Harper decided to hide and if it was a good enough hiding spot for the next four days. After a while longer of waiting Terrance had peeked his head out of his room door and shouted.

"Ok I need you to close your eyes!" He had a chuckle in his throat while he said this. Making you want to close your eyes all the less.

"How come, Terrance?" Questioning this was the least you could think of doing.

"I have a surprise gift for you and I think it'll be better if you close your eyes." You honestly weren't feeling any better with this added piece of information but you decided it to be best if you just closed your eyes anyways.

You could hear his footsteps reach the living room and a rustling in his hands made you assume the gift was in some bag.

"Ok! You can open your eyes now!"

Slowly opening them your eyes glazed upon a blue dress. It's simplicity was pleasing and it reached to what seemed would be just underneath your knees. You mouth must have opened a bit at the glittering dress in front of you cause Terrance began to chuckled while he held it up closer to you.

"It's for you!" His smile beamed as you slowly took the dress that was in a clear plastic bag. His gaze soon turned to outside the window as he began to turn slight red from the blood in his cheeks. "I-I thought maybe I could clear the living room while you changed into it and when you came back we could have a dance?"

The sparkle in your eyes must have died as you looked up at Terrance and away from the dress which caused his face to look rather upset. Although he tried to cover it up with a faint smile still on his face.

"I-I suppose I can go change." You stood up and patted the dress down. "I'll be right back."

Terrance beamed even more than before as he nodded. Quickly making his way to move couches.

Once you walked into the guest room you've stayed in the nights before you quickly began to lift your shirt off followed by your shorts. Taking the dress out of the bag you couldn't help but admire it. Terrance did have a good taste in clothing that was for sure. As you placed your legs through the dress you jumped as a whistle came out from behind you.

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