A Suprise At Work

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You had been sitting at your office for some time now, printing out the necessary papers to give to the delivery department. You wanted to make sure you were on top of everything, you thought back to the last time you had apparently "slacked off" according to your boss. The talk they had with you wasn't a pretty one and the warnings they had given you were enough to scare you out of your wits.

"I guess there would be other options." You muttered to yourself. You remembered back to when you met one of the most famous makeup artists on a random day out into the park.


"I-I'm so sorry." You muttered, picking up the strangers things that you had just knocked out of their hand. You stood up to hand the stranger their papers and recognized their face from all over the office.

"Y-you're June Ellen." You said in amazement.

"That I am." She smiled, "and you're fine. Those are some nice designs you have there," she added, pointing to the Papers in your hand. "Are you a graphic designer?"

You blinked in confusion. "Yeah," you chuckled nervously "well, no, actually I'm not, but I'd like to be. I work for a makeup line, I just help with shipping in advertisements, but I'd really like to design the advertising myself." You explained.

She laughed and asked to see your work, after going over it for a few minutes she seemed impressed. She gave you her number and was hoping that you could work for her if you ever got bored of your current job.


You always dreamed of quitting and working for her but you could never muster up the courage to tell your boss. Now that you thought about it though. You have found the strangest things at the park, you started to smile as you thought about Terrance. You never once considered him as someone to be in a relationship with though, hell you just had your first real conversation with him this morning. You had to admit though, he was adorable. Your train of thought was interrupted however. You looked up at a deliver man who had tapped your shoulder

"Are you y/n?"

You nodded your head as he handed you a small bouquet of flowers, in a white, rectangular vase, wrapped with a salmon colored ribbon. Your eyes looked at in wonder, you went to thank the delivery man but he had already left. On the end of the ribbon was a small tag reading.

"I hope you have a good day at work~"

You had no idea who had sent them and you didn't really take the time to get to know your co-workers so it couldn't be one of them. You stood up from your chair but couldn't find anybody who might have sent them. Anyways you sat back down and sniffed them. Their aroma brought a sort of cheerfulness to the work space around you and a smile grew on your face.

Terrance's pov

She's so pretty with that smile on, I thought to myself.

"I hope she calls me soon." I muttered.

I walked away from the pillar I was hiding behind and turned around.

"Ok you saw her get the gift you can leave now," said a secretary from below. "You should be lucky we even let you in."

I wanted to fight against it and stay but it might have caused a scene, and I wanted to make sure she didn't see me. So I did as told and walked away, holding the picture she had given me in my hand.

I began making my way to the bus station. I could have snuck in and watched y/n working but I had responsibilities I needed to take care of, Like the groceries, cause if I knew one thing well it was that my brother wouldn't do it even if he hadn't eaten in days. My cheerful attitude began to sink as I thought of my brother. But I swatted it away and thought about y/n instead. The bus ride was boring and long, I desperately wished that I hadn't left my headphones on my bedroom desk, cause I needed something besides the boring conversations of those around me to ring in my ears. If only I could play y/n's voice on repeat. I'd never take my headphones out. But before I could dream more about my perfect little girl the bus had surprisingly made it to my apartment building. I walked up to the second story and pulled out some keys from my back pocket. I then unlocked the door and stepped inside.

I stepped into the kitchen first, underneath me were brown colored tiles. And right in front of the kitchen was the nice, open living room. It had just been vacuumed thanks to me and it was all dusted, also thanks to me. There wasn't much laying there, for the exception of a couch, a chair, TV, and coffee table. But even those only took up half of the space of the room. The other half of the room was jut an open space of a clean carpet. I walked down the hallway, passing my brothers bedroom door, the noise from his awful music could be heard very well outside and it was the most disgusting thing I've ever heard, it was violent and rough. I then walked past a bathroom, then, at the end of the hall I entered my room. It's curtains remained open, welcoming the sun in. I could see the dust particles floating around which was something I needed to work on. No matter how much I tried I could never rid of all the dust. I let out a sigh and sat on my bed, I rubbed my hands across the soft, salmon bedsheets. It felt so lonely though. Not having anyone accompanying me while I slept. I took out the picture my perfect princess had given me and placed it in my wooden night stand, it reflected against the thin glass on the surface. I threw the rest of my body back into the bed. Remembering I had things to do, but for once wanted to take a break.

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