Our future together

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Sitting on the kitchen table, Putting together a puzzle you waited for Terrance to get home. You weren't expecting Harper's hug to last as long as it did and you had to cut it short so you would have some time to put Harper back in the laundry room and you could spend a few minutes acting natural before Terrance arrived. Making sure he wouldn't suspect anything.

The puzzle of a dog was coming together nicely before the front door opened and Terrance's tired eyes landed on you. The moment he saw you innocently putting together a puzzle his face lit up completely.

'How adorable' he thought.

He quickly threw his keys and wallet on the kitchen counter before he took a seat next to you. "How have you been today, honey?"

You jerked your head up at the name and glared at him but the look on his face made him seem as he had said nothing wrong. He was growing more and more comfortable around you and you couldn't tell if you liked it or not.

"It was good." You answered, "I got to read more of that book you gave me."

Harper put his hands together happily, "I'm taking it you like it then?"

You nodded. He beamed and spoke up, "oh thank goodness! You have to tell me when you finish it so we can discuss it together."

You nodded while you continued working on your puzzle. He watched you contently, being so fixated on you however he almost forgot the surprise he had waiting for you. Standing up he gasped at his stupidity. He was thinking about it all day. How could he forget it so easily? He smiled as he knew only you could have that effect on him. Snapping back into reality he looked down at your puzzled face.

"Sorry." He chuckled nervously, "I just remembered your surprise, could you sit by the couch and wait for me for one moment?" As he said this he made his way to the back of the apartment and toward his room. You made your way to sit on the couch. Once again you found yourself waiting for another one of Terrance's surprises. To be honest you were quite excited, non of his surprises seemed to upset you too much and he said this one was going to be his best one yet. Considering the time and thought he's put into his previous plans you couldn't even imagine what could make this one better. Coming out from the hallway he slightly dashed next to you as he couldn't contain his excitement. That excitement began to rub off on you and you straightened yourself out waiting to see what he had planned.

He cupped his hands together as he looked you in the eye. "Ok close your eyes." With that you shut them tight, you felt his hands place something in yours, he then grasped onto your hands tightly, "no peaking alright?" You nodded quickly as he retracted his hands. "Ok then...open them!"

You quickly opened your eyes and looked down at what he placed in your hands. In your palm rested a small folded piece of paper. You raised a brow at this and looked up at Terrance. He simply smiled as he gestured you to unfold the paper. Doing so you noticed it was a photograph. A photograph that looked oddly familiar. It's contents were aesthetically pleasing. Cherry blossoms on a blissful day, it reminded you of... that's when it hit you.

"Is this that photograph I gave you at the park?" You questioned, looking up at him.

He nodded his head delightfully. "Yes it is! I've kept it at my bed side table every day since then."

Your heart felt good about this but you couldn't help but ask. "That's wonderful Terrance, but is this the surprise?" You didn't mean to sound as disappointed as you probably made yourself sound, but you couldn't help it. This photograph simply wasn't what you were expecting.

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