Lets read together!

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Sitting patiently on the dining room table you had been waiting for Terrance to bring out his next surprise. These were both the highlight and sometimes most nerve wracking parts of your day. Considering you were seated at a table for this surprise though you assumed it couldn't have been too bad. After a few more moments he came back out from the hallway, carrying an impressive stack of various books. Their covers had a wide range of colors and titles. They ranged from some light reads to over the top stories that would take days to finish. He smiled as he put them down in front of you.

"I like to read!" He cheered, a proud smile went across his face which made you giggle. He was nervous over what the giggle meant and decided to elaborate on that, "reading is my favorite thing to do." He chuckled, he wanted to add you as his actually favorite thing to do but he didn't want to say anything you might find repulsive so he kept that thought to himself.

"I've always been a big book worm, ever since I was a kid. So I thought maybe I could show you some of my favorite books?"

You nodded politely and watched as he took a chair and placed it close to you. Sitting down he wore a large grin across his face, happy to indulge in his favorite hobby with his favorite person. You went to reach for a book and looked for some description of its contents. looking for an interesting story you could start. Terrance started looking as well, although he already fully knew what each book was about.

"So you said you've been reading since you were a child." You whispered, trying not to disrupt the peaceful atmosphere that was previously filled with only silence and the turning of pages. Terrance nodded. "What made you start reading back then?" You hoped maybe you could get a few more pieces of the two brothers past while you were forced to stay here.

Terrance seemed almost to not notice the question at first. He just continued to flip through a few books. You thought maybe he hadn't heard you so you opened your mouth to ask it again, that was until he cut you off. "I often...." Terrance's eyes danced across the pages in front of him while he tried to come up with words for his answer. "I often ended up being by myself, not my choice of course." He chuckled nervously, he continued nonetheless. "So in an attempt to entertain myself I'd indulge in books I could find around my house. It was very practical."

You nodded, holding a thin green book in your palms, Terrance took his eyes off the book he was holding and beamed up when he noticed the one in yours. "Oh! That one is my favorite." He cheered, almost wanting to open it immediately. You had been holding it backwards so now turning the book around to see the title you read. The servant boy and his prince.

You looked back at Terrance who seemed to be begging you to start reading with only the look in his eyes. "would you like to read it together?" You asked, waving the book in front of him. He quickly nodded his head, more than happy to listen to your goddess like voice narrate his favorite story. You cleared your throat and began to read, Terrance folded his arms on top of the table and rested on them, getting comfortable for the story telling

"Once upon a time there was a very charming prince, in charge of one earth's most mightiest of nations. He had everything any human could possibly dream of. Money, knowledge, fame and of course he was royalty." Terrance hummed as he listened, his heart fluttering at getting to hear the sentences he's read so many times before spoken from your mouth. "The prince was willing to give all this up though for only one thing, a friend. Yes, a friend was all the prince needed to feel complete. One day whilst in the garden he cane across a young servant boy. The prince played games with the servant boy which went unnoticed by the queen. Until one unfortunate day..."

You had gotten closer to the book, feeling entranced by its words. Terrance watching this action closely and innocently smiling at your enjoyment of the book. "The servant boy and the prince were running around the castle halls when the servant boy accidentally knocked the prince over. The servant boy had no intention of hurting the prince and the prince was more than ready to forgive the servant. The Queen however was not, when she received word of the incident she threw the servant boy into the dungeon." You took your head back, "oh no..." you muttered, making Terrance giggle.

"The servant boy had been in the dungeon for days, crying over the darkness and loneliness he felt without his friend. One night though, the prince had snuck into the cell to help break his friend free from his mothers wrath, the two of them proceeded to escape happily together."

You continued to read chapter by chapter, listening to the prince's and servant's adventures together out in the wilderness and their schemes to run away from the Queen who searched furiously for them. Terrance could not have ever pictured a better way to spend the afternoon. It was this moment, watching your face light up over words that have made him do the same. It reminded him why he cared for you so. He watched your lips as they moved with the sentences across the page. He longed to press against them in this current moment, the longing was so strong actually he stood up suddenly, catching you by surprise.

You raised a confused brow at him. Not quite sure what he got up for. He coughed as he spoke up. "I'm so sorry to interrupt you, my precious gift..." the nickname he gave you made your face heat up, "but I'm afraid there's something I need to take care of." With that he made his way to his bedroom. He felt bad about ending your reading time but he felt as if he stayed next to you a moment longer he might have launched himself into you for a kiss. He might have been keeping you captive here but the last thing he wanted was to force his sexual desires onto you. Well... that might not be entirely untrue, but what was of one hundred percent certainty was that he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable around him in anyway. He had a feeling that forcing a kiss on you might make that undesired thought come true. The last thing he could have was you spitting out hatred words towards him.

Closing the door behind him Terrance could feel his cheeks burning up. He rushed to his bed while he kicked his legs in the air like a little kid. He quickly rummaged through his nightstand to pull out the beautiful picture you had given him. He placed his lips delicately onto the paper in an attempt to maybe release some of the rushing feelings towards you that were in his head. Oh he was going to convince you of how much the two of you belonged together.

Tomorrow he was going to give you your biggest surprise yet.

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