Laundry Talks

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Besides the dress from a few nights ago you had only really been wearing the black pajamas that you slept in and the outfit you wore to the festival, you were starting to feel disgusted with yourself so you thought it best to do laundry. Harper had agreed to let you rummage through his things to find a sweatshirt and maybe joggers to wear while you cleaned your other outfit. So that's where you were at the moment. Rummaging through his dresser, trying to pick out a sustainable outfit. You slipped on a State college sweatshirt that was a good couple sizes larger than you but it would do. It seemed a little wrinkled as it looked like it hadn't been worn for quite some time. You then went looking for some sweatpants to possibly wear. You pulled out a black pair, probably the smallest pair in there. Once you put it on though you knew it would still be far to big to wear, even temporarily. So you put it back and thought maybe you'd check Terrance's stuff. For some peculiar reason you figured he wouldn't mind if you wore his clothes. So you put all of Harper's clothes back. You didn't want to make a mess of yourself. Although looking at the current state Harper's room was in you found it hard to be able to make the room any more of a mess.

Now rummaging through Terrance's clothes you noticed a huge theme with whites and pinks, something that was very noticeable every time you saw him. Indeed his sense of fashion was kept up well. You found a pair of joggers in there and tried tightening the drawstring around you and it fit well around your waist. Happy with the way your outfit turned out you went back into the hallway, your old clothes in hand. Made your way into your room and grabbed the pajamas you have been wearing then made it into the room next to you. After opening the door your eyes dulled at the sight of Harper's body halfway jammed inside the washer.

"What on earth are you doing?"

Banging his head on the top of the inside of the machine Harper groaned as he tried to explain himself. "Well...." now pulling himself out of the machine he looked up at you and sighed, pushing his back to the wall he sat on the floor. "I really don't know in all honesty."

You rolled your eyes, throwing the clothes and soap into the machine. Starting the washer you closed the door and sat next to Harper, the smell of lavender quickly filled the room. Silence began to fill the room as well as the two of you watched the clothes in the washer spin around and around. It didn't seem to bother Harper but you were feeling more and more anxious the longer the two of you stayed silent. So opening your mouth you began to speak.

"So who normally does laundry around here?"
You nudged his shoulder, wearing a lighthearted smile.

Harper adjusted his sitting position and answered, "Terrance does." His eyes closed as he looked like he was preparing to sleep.

You should have assumed that would be the case, it almost bothered you, as crazy as Terrance was Harper was clearly taking advantage of him. "Seems to me Terrance does everything around here."

Harper remained silent, he only shrugged while crossing his arms over his chest. Unsatisfied with his answer you tried to pry a little more. "Don't you think it would be nice if maybe you did some chores as well?"

It took awhile for Harper to open his mouth but eventually he spoke. "It probably would be, but it's better if I just don't."

You raised a brow in annoyance, that was the lamest excuse you've ever heard. Better if he doesn't? Screw that. "What do you mean better if you just don't?"

Harper opened his eyes, they glared at you and they're brown complexion looked almost grey. "There's less headache if I don't do them. Everything has to be done Terrance's way."

You almost laughed at him, "Terrance's way? You're almost twice as big as him, why would you submit to him so easily?"

Harpers eyes were now opened fully as he gazed down at you, "I told you not to underestimate him. You don't know what he's capable of." He warned you. You still found this a bit humorous.

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