Please stay

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Holding onto your wrist even tighter you started to feel more uneasy then ever, at least before you knew Terrance was on your side, now you weren't so sure...

"I..." He averted his intense gaze on you, he was shaking, thinking of what affects his next few words could have on you two. "I need you to stay here with me." Without another word he hugged you, his arm wrapped around your back, slowly making it's way down your waist, he pulled you tighter and placed a firm grip on the back of your neck. His shaking breathing was very chilling as it was right against your ear, his lips, brushing your earlobes softly, they were ice cold, as warm as he should've been in that very intimate moment his whole body was ice cold. His entire cheek was resting against your face, sending an icy chill through your spine, you were greeted with the warm embrace of tears soon enough, Terrance was now shaking more than ever, keeping a very firm grip on you while doing so. 

Now you just stood there, peeking behind Terrance and seeing his unconscious brother lying on the floor, waiting for the boy who was keeping hold of you to stop what has now turned into sobbing. You have never been in a situation even close to this so you had the faintest idea on what to do. You couldn't move at all with Terrance's now python like grip on you,he pushed you up against the door and leaned into your neck even further, you now felt like you had to speak up. 

"Terrance, I want to go home, i'm serio-"

"no." Terrance had cut you short, his shaky breathing now coming back to him, "I need you here y/n, more then you could ever imagine, I want you to be mine."

"What has gotten into you?" you grunted, trying to push away once more but he wasn't letting you move anywhere.

"You..." he muttered. "ever since I saw you that fateful day at the park you hadn't left my mind. I'm so lonely y/n... I just want someone I can show all my love and care to, someone who can love me back, who I can spend every last second of my being with." he started playing with your h/c hair.

"Terrance, this isn't how love works, you have to take it slowly, and more importantly you need to respect the others wishes..." 

his grip on you loosened and you felt a bit of relief as you pushed him away, still not fully out of his grasp. "See? isn't this better?"

He shook his head, looking down at the floor, " smelt nice, I liked it."

you both stood there in silence, you knew you could get out of here as soon as Terrance fell asleep so you thought that for the time being you'd make sure his brother was ok. Looking over Terrance's shoulder you saw his brother breathing on the floor, a small pool of blood growing from under his side.

"Terrance, I think we need to check on you brother..."

Terrance looked behind him and sighed, "Ok..." he let go of you completely, but you dared not run for the door yet, he was still too close. "but you need to sleep first." he told you

"No Terrance I need to help your brother, I can sleep after." 

He seemed discouraged from hearing this, his aggressiveness had also left him and the shy boy you were with just minutes ago came back. "But I think it's best that you go to sleep for me, I have an extra bedroom you can stay in, or if you want to sleep with me i'm fin-" 

"i'll take the extra bedroom." You quickly responded, all you had to do was wait for Terrance to sleep and then you could book it out of this place"

and so grabbing your hand he pulled you towards the hallway, and the second door to the left was the extra room with you were going to be staying in. "My room is the last door to the right if you need me, I'll be able to help you with whatever  you need." he opened the door for you and you were met with a humble little room, the floor was freshly vacuumed and the place was dusted. "i.." He averted his gaze from you "I cleaned it up just in case you were wanting to stay the night before I left for the festival."

You stepped inside and thanked him for his generosity. now that you were alone you sat on the freshly made bed and took a deep breath in. You didn't feel like crying, more of just in a state of panic, although you didn't want to underestimate him, Terrance didn't seem like that big of a threat. You now sat on the bed, looking up at the silver clock that was mounted onto the wall every so often, it was now one in the morning, and as you waited it became three, then four, you thought that surly Terrance had to be asleep at this point, so you stood up and slowly crept up the hallway onto the main room, everything was cleaned up and Terrance's brother was no where to be seen. The wood flooring was mopped and cleaned to a gloss, you could see your own reflection in it. The dishwasher was running and the food on the table was cleaned up and your bag with all you things were sitting on it instead, you just prayed your phone was still in there, you would have never imagined having to call the police on Terrance a week ago but it seems that that's what it has come down to. Then you noticed him, he was sitting in front of the front door, holding a small glass jar loosely in his grip, almost asleep, he grabbed some water that was on the floor next to him and took a large sip, in an attempt to stay awake. So you stayed hidden behind the hallway wall, not entering the main room yet. Sighing in defeat you went back into your room, this was a bit more difficult then you thought it would be.


Ok yessss, I know that there has been no Christmas X reader and i'm very sorry about that uwu, I just came to realize that I had more progress on here then that one so I guess i'll wait for next year to post it, I should just stop making promises at this point haha;;;

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