Breakfast and Wine

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Opening your eyes you were greeted with a quite pleasant sent. It was so nice in fact that at first you thought you had died in your sleep, now in heaven. This was not the case though as you soon began to feel your back ache. Whatever position you were sleeping in last night must not have been the best for you. You turned your head to your right and widened your eyes as you saw Harper sleeping next to you. Screaming, you fell off the bed. The thud of you hitting the ground woke Harper up and only made your back hurt more. Harper rubbed his eyes in confusion, still very sleepy.

You stood up in annoyance, "What were you doing!?"

"What?" Harper yawned

"What we're doing sleeping next to me!"

"Exactly that..." he stretched his arms up to the sky. "Sleeping."

You rolled your eyes and began to ramble, "what if Terrance saw you?"

"Then I guessed I'd be in trouble, but he didn't so it's ok. Besides... that floor is so uncomfortable I'd rather get caught then having to stay on it another minute."

"It's your fault for sleeping under the bed." You groaned, tapping your foot.

"It's your fault for having such a long and dull conversation with my brother."

"We didn't even talk that-

Before you could continue Harper raised his hand in the air to stop you. He took a couple of sniffs of the air and soon began to smile. "What's cooking? It smells delicious." Without hesitation he hopped out of the bed and walked past you and out into the kitchen. You rolled your eyes as you chased after him. Making your way towards the kitchen though you did have to agree, whatever the smell was, it was amazing. Coming around the corner you saw on the counter, a beautiful breakfast. French toast with garnishes and fruits, powdered sugar on top of it all, a pitcher with orange juice and a pot of coffee sat next to the plate as well as a few glasses; sitting in front of the beverages was a note.

I wasn't sure what you liked to drink,
There's more options in the fridge~


"Man..." Harper yawned, already taking bites of the meal, "Terrance really wasn't kidding when he said he'd make it up to you." He chuckled. You didn't feel as much in a laughing mood though. Actually now that you thought about it, this was supposed to be your breakfast!? Why were you letting Harper eat it?

"Hey! That's mine by the way!" You smacked him upside the head and took the plate away from him; it was no use though, the food was already gone. 'What a pig' you thought to yourself. You went to the fridge for the other options Terrance was talking about but you groaned as the only things you saw were wine, shredded cheese, soda, milk and sour cream. He needed to go grocery shopping.

"Oh let me have that." Harper pushed you out of the way and snatched the bottle of wine. Now scurrying around for a cork opener. He took a big gulp of the alcohol and spoke, "these next few days might not be that bad when you think about it."

"Oh trust me, they could be."

"Really?" Harper raised a brow, "and what could that be?" You opened your mouth to speak but he answered his own question anyways. "I mean he could force you into bed," you tensed up and a silence fell upon the room. You uncomfortably shifted your feet. Of course the thought crossed your mind, but you dismissed it early on because Terrance just didn't seem like that kind of person. Now that Harper brought it up though... it just made these next few days grow longer. He began to laugh; interrupting your thought. "Y'know that might be the only shot my brothers got so all power to him I guess." Your eyebrows furrowed .

"You have no respect for women do you?" You questioned, crossing your arms.

"Nope." He smiled, he took the last sip of the wine with a wink and you just scoffed.

"Well what are we supposed to do while we wait?"

"Wait for what?" Harper questioned.

"For Terrance to get back?" You felt like you were talking to a child sometimes.

"Why would we be waiting for that? I don't know what you're planning for him when he gets back buuut."

He hopped off the counter he was sitting on and walked past you. "When he gets back home that means I have to get back to hiding so I'm going to use up this time I have and put it to good use."

"By doing what exactly?" You almost snapped, getting tired of his mannerisms.

"Do you like monopoly?"

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