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I own nothing.

Sesshomaru may be a demon but he's also male.

I had to do it.

"The female body is a strange thing. When I saw Kagome naked for the first time, there wasn't much to see there. But when she came back to me three years later, there was a great deal more to stare at. Much, much more..." Inuyasha to Miroku as they compared their woman to each other in his hut

Ken crossed his arms to his chest and narrowed his eyes at Riu. Clouds began to roll in above them making everything look darker than what it seemed. Ken worried that it was going to rain. He hated the rain. Since he had no place to stay—and had been roaming around the island since he left his family—he would get soaked. And that messed up his hair… He shuddered.

"Why do you care so much?" he asked Riu, who was looking back at his sister while she walked toward Sesshomaru.

Riu looked away from Rin. She'd be safe with the demon. He frowned at Ken. "Why do I care about what?"

"Whether Yuki is male or female. I don't really care what she is. Why do you?"

Riu could feel Yukis gaze on him. He began to sweat. "Because... Because she's a woman. And she should stay that way."

"She's a demon and she can be whatever the hell she wants."

Riu clucked his tongue. "She's better as a female."

"She's the same either way."

Riu sucked his teeth and faced Yuki. "Can you tell him to shut up?"

She smiled. She looked amused, damn her. What the hell did she think was funny? "I think you said it loud and clear. Also," she shrugged and scrunched her nose; it was so adorable Riu almost forgot she was speaking to him; "I'm curious, too."

His face fell. "But why does it matter?"

She eyed him and even though she had a smile on her face, her eyes spoke to him like a whisper: Please answer him. "I don't know," she said softly. "You tell me."

Riu found this whole conversation to be ridiculous, but those eyes... He grunted. "I just think you look better as a woman."

She smiled timidly, and blushed. "So you think I'm pretty?"

Riu ignored the light feeling he felt when he saw her smile and the rosy blush on her cheeks that began to surface. The blush was quite becoming—but he didn't care. After all, the she-man was a half demon and he'd be damned if he ever even thought of coupling with a demon. Demons were disgusting.

Riu also disregarded the voice in his head that whispered, You're letting Rin get with one.

Rins situation was different. She'd been with the demon for years and loved him irrevocably. Nothing Riu said would change that. Besides, he knew Rin would be safe with the demon. Sure, he was still furious with Sesshomaru for allowing the rape to occur—damn him for that—but Sesshomaru hated himself for it too. Riu knew Sesshomaru wouldn't let that happen to her again. He bet his very life on it.

He cleared his throat and pushed his boots into the ground and twisted, causing the dirt to rise. He felt uncomfortable being scrutinized by Ken. And Yuki. Especially by Yuki. "You're alright," he muttered. He didn't even look at her. He focused his attention on the ground. It was very brown. And green, cause of the grass. And stuff.

Slowly but surely Yukis smile began to fall. Riu glanced up at her and saw it. He refused to acknowledge the pain he felt in his heart for hurting her—or him. She didn't matter. Or at least, that's what he tried to force himself to think.

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