Scent of Heaven

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I watched the series again for the fifth (hundredth?) time. Sesshy does show a lot of emotion in the beginning of the series. He smiles coldly, growls at InuYasha and gets very impatient. Only later on does he seem so aloof. Until, of course, Rin is hurt. Then we see a whole new side of the cute doggy.

Again, Rumiko Takahashi owns all of Inuyasha and I'm just writing this story for fun.

"She is the one person that changed his heart and made him feel... Even if milord cannot admit it to himself, he needs her..." -Jaken

Sesshomaru couldn't find her. Really, this was becoming tedious. He'd searched high and low, in woods and open plains. He'd even looked for Rin in Kaedes village, even though he knew she wasn't there—he still wanted to check—but it was all to no avail.

She was nowhere to be found.

It didn't matter that he'd only started searching for her four hours ago; he should have found her already.

Where could she be?

Sesshomaru stole a furtive glance at Jaken who was sitting atop Ah-Uns saddle fastened to the demons back by a girth. They were up in the night sky flying...everywhere.

Or at least it seemed so.

Jaken—who had one hand on Ah-Uns saddle and the other holding the staff of two heads—had his lips pursed up as if he was thinking of something to say, but was too afraid to do so.

Sesshomaru decided to let the youkai speak. He needed to divert his attention from the thoughts that continued to rampage through his mind like a wayward demon who'd lost a wing and smashed into a tree. Again and again.

It was making his head ache.

The thoughts were bordering on hysteria. He couldn't smell Rin and he feared that something had happened to her. And if something were to happen to his Rin he'd...he'd...well, he didn't know what he would do. There were so many options: He'd stay by her side and comfort her. Or exact vengeance on the bastard who hurt her...or do both.

He slightly shook his head. No. Nothing was wrong. And she was not lost to him. He'd just gone too far down south and was now having a hard time locating his love.

She wasn't dead or hurt. He would have felt it in his heart if that were true. She was safe and sound...somewhere.

The cherry blossom trees he was currently hovering over did not help him in his quest to find Rin, though. Each one smelled a trifle bit like her, except they failed to hold that particular scent only Rin seemed to have. The kind of smell not even Sesshomaru could describe and so gave it the name "heaven" because it was where he found peace.

He glared down at the trees that were as pink as the sky during the setting of its sun, and willed Rins form to emerge from the foliage.

But it did not happen. She didn't appear.

Damn it. Where the hell was she?

Jaken cleared his throat and then harrumphed. His chest puffed up and he continued to stare at Lord Sesshomaru. The youkai lords' hair cascaded down his back, reaching his knees. His mokomoko ruffled as the speed of his flying moved against the wind.

The youkais expression looked harder then when he'd first started flying; as if he was thinking pensively about something trully important. Or dreading something terrible.

At times Jaken wished he could dive into the crafty and conniving mind of his Lord. He failed to understand why Sesshomaru did the things he did half the time.

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