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I own nothing... Not even my soul, because I gave that to Jesus. May he forgive me for writing this.

Also, it's mainly ooc. Sesshy is a hopeless romantic, to Rin ONLY. To everyone else he's the same. The only reason he didn't kill Inuyasha in the few chapters before this one, was because... he didn't feel like it. And the reason he's so cute with Rin is cause he loves her. I notice people don't put much Rin and Sesshy fluffy moments (real ones) in these fan fics because they're afraid he'd seem out of character. I don't think he'd continue being stoic and prideful (with Rin). She'd want more from him.

Whatever. This is my dream anyway. And in there, Sesshy is however I want him to be. Muhuwahahahaha!

"I need you..."- Sesshomaru and Rin

That night, Rin could hardly sleep. Oh, sure she slept in intervals but it wasn't enough to keep her replenished and energized for the morning to come. And whose fault was that? Well, Sesshomarus' of course. How could he expect her to sleep after he'd just said that?

"I am in love with you, Rin."

Good God! A woman could die from hearing those words on his lips.

At first when she heard them, Rin could not believe it. Denial raced through her veins. He must have fooled himself into thinking he was in love with her, when in fact, he never would be. Not with her. Because Rin was human and Sesshomaru despised humans. She was dirty. And Sesshomaru deserved the best.

And then she realized, suddenly, blessedly, that she was calling Sesshomaru a liar. Sesshomaru, the demon of her heart, was many things. But no, he was never a liar (unless one counted the time he said he didn't need her—she ignored that because he was hurt at the time). He spoke his mind—that is, when he felt like it—and his words always dripped with truth. Which meant, of course, that Sesshomaru, actually did love her.

When did he come to realize this? She had no clue. But she was overjoyed, none the less. The impossible became possible and he loved her. Thank you God! Why he loved her? Well, she'd ask him that question later on.

For now, in the early morning of the next day, Rin focused her attention at the demon sleeping before her. On his back. With his arm encircled around her waist, unconsciously moving it up and down her back side. Such movements elicited strange, tingling sensations throughout Rins body.

This was another reason why she could not sleep. And it could not be healthy.

The cave had grown dark, lit primarily by the blue and green bugs on its walls. Sesshomarus long lashes fell over his cheeks in dark spikes. And his face was smooth and silky, just begging to be touched. Or at least, Rin imagined it screaming: touch me, I'm smooth!A few strands of his long white hair fell over his cheeks in a river of silk. One lock was covering his mouth, and as he breathed it rose and fell against his face. This gave Rin the courage to move it away, because it was the right thing to do. Who wanted their hair in their mouth while they slept? No one.

So, she slowly lifted her hand into the air. This took time though, because her arm had been under Sesshomarus' and the demon usually could not sleep with movement about. He was a cautious demon, that he was.

Once she had the arm over his—a fête she was most definitely proud of for he had not awoken—she gently took the silky piece of hair and pushed it behind his ear. She did all this while watching his face. It didn't change.

She knew his skin would be soft and velvety, but she had no idea that it could be so warm. Usually it was not. Her fingers itched to touch his elfin ears and rub them, they felt—what was the word?—, there really was no word to describe his skin. It wasn't like any humans'. Yes, Rin had soft skin but not like Sesshomarus. His was positively heavenly.

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