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Don't own the Inu stuff cause I dont want to. Good day.


"A true man never surrenders to his opponent. He fights to the end and if he dies, he does so with honor. Now, with women, that's a different story. If the lady's your mate, give into her fast. It'll be the best decision you could ever make…" -Totosanne

Two weeks later

"Yuki, if you don't change back into a woman right now, I swear to God, I'm going to leave you for good!" Riu roared, looking fiercely at Yuki. She was a male at the moment, when she should have been… well, not a male.

Riu had been looking around the small, humble village, he, Yuki and Rin were residing in for the weekend, for dry sticks. His sister was inside the small fourteen by ten foot wooden hut, they had rented out, building a fire in the center of the ground floor. On each of the four corners of the humble abode, were white and red cots where they would rest and sleep. Yuki had the cot that rested by the front door, while Rin and Riu slept in the back corners. Riu had the left. Rin had the right.

One window stood isolated in the back of the room and looked out in to the dense forest area that led to the vast, majestic ocean.

Yuki said, only ten minutes before, that she was going to relieve herself—the beautiful liar. Instead she went… somewhere (he didn't really know where and probably never would) so she could change into him.

Currently they were in front of the small hut, and they could hear Rin rubbing one stick against another to start the fiery blaze.

Yuki pouted, her yellow-green eyes shimmering. "Why?" she whispered.

He gave the she-man his blackest glare. She knew he hated it when she became a boy. It was just so...ew. He was attracted to her, not him. He didn't do men. He did beautiful woman. Like Yuki, in her female form.

Unfortunately, they hadn't even gone up to that level yet. So far they were taking things slowly. A little bit of hand holding here and there and a peck on the cheek at night.

Riu never pecked her, though. She was the one who did that. He couldn't seem to bring himself to do it yet.

It was stupid, really. Inane. Completely—gah! Why couldn't he kiss her? Her yellow-green eyes beckoned him to her whenever she looked at him. Her body reeled him in like a fish on a hook. And her personality was a friggin' boon, but...he just couldn't do it. He couldn't fully give in to her. Not yet, at least.

He still had that small, tiny, itty-bitty, minuscule aversion to Yuki because of her ability to be—he shuddered—a man.

Each time he felt those invisible chains around his neck pull him toward her, something else—probably the invisible shackles around his legs—made him stay where he was.

He knew she thought of him as her mate, but he just couldn't see it happening. Not yet. Not until he got over her...ability.

He gave her a quelling look. "Change back into your—" beautiful "—female form."

She sniffed. "No."

He almost growled at her. Instead he made his voice as cool as ice. "Change. Back."

She lifted her nose defiantly. "No."

He threw his hands in the air. "That's it! If you don't change back I'm taking Rin and we're going somewhere far away! Like China."

Yuki narrowed her eyes at him. He almost squirmed from that look. An angry Yuki was an intimidating Yuki. Even if she was a he who looked fifteen...

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