A day off

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- So, did you enjoy the movie, [Y/N] ? - Makoto asked.

- Pff, silly question, of course I didn't! It's was the stupidest one so far. How could they even fit so much illogical and unrealistic stuff in one and a half hour? - you muttered.

- Come on, it wasn't that bad. I know you wished everyone had died in the end... - Sousuke chuckled.

- That's not it! I'm simply dissatisfied with its lack of massage to viewers, and also how subjectively everything was being shown. Everything was whether black or white, no gray undertones. I mean, there's always the other side of the coin. - you wanted to elaborate more on the subject, but Sousuke phone rang and you got immediately went silent.

The black-haired man picked up and started to listen with a concerned face. After 5 minutes of Sousuke occasionally nodding and asking for details, the police officer(Sousuke) finally said:

- Yes sir! I'll be there in a minute. Goodbye. - and hanged up.

- What is it? - Makoto asked worried.

- There's a crisis situation at the police. Someone has broken into Nichigin bank and taken hostages. All the units are to report at their local police stations. You'll drop me there on the way home, okay? - Sousuke quickly explained.

- Yeah, sure... - Makoto still seemed a bit confused.

- But isn't today your day off?! - no way, you're supposed to spend the evening together and the sudden change of plans made you angry.

- Look, I'd rather stay with you, but that's my job and...

- No! I don't want to hear any of that! Today's your day off and you're going home with us! - you felt tears forming in the corners of your eyes.

- [Y/N] don't throw a tantrum here, you're not five anymore! That's my fucking job and if I want to earn anything I must be there! - Sousuke raised his voice at you.

- Enough both of you! Get in the car. - Makoto sounded irritated.

Although most of the time he was the sweetest, always gentle and caring, when angry both you and Sousuke would get the creeps.
You obediently got in the car and drove in silence all the way to station.

-We're here. - Makoto finally said.

- I'm off, see you later. - Sousuke replied leaning in for a kiss from Makoto, then from you.

- Have fun! - you said pushing him away.

He sighed and said got out of the car.

- Please, be careful! - Makoto added.

Teal-eyed man gave him a soft smile and entered the building.

- Let's go home. - you began to feel like crying again. You were worried about Sousuke, and that's why you didn't want him to go. What if he got shot? Even thinking about it was painful. You clenched your teeth and you sat in silence for a while while. Then Makoto said :

- You shouldn't be so hard on him,    [Y/N]. He's doing his best trying to balance the work and family life. There's just not enough time.

- I know, I know! And I'm feeling really bad right now. - you felt tears running down your face.

- Don't cry [Y/N] - chan, we can make some cupcakes for him when we'll get home.

- That's a great idea! Do we have all the ingredients?

- I think so...

- Oh, what would I do without you Mako-chan!

- Oi, no hugs when I'm driving. - he said and you both laughed.

It's complicated (Sousuke x Reader x Makoto)Where stories live. Discover now