New Year's Eve Spacial

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Happy New Year 2018 to all my dear Readers :)
So since it's this time again ( whether you like it or not ;) I've thought: Hey why not write a special chapter about our trio going to a New Year's Eve party?
Well, as always I hope you'll enjoy :)

You were standing in front of mirror trying on different dresses. The New Year's Eve party was about to start in 2 hours and you still couldn't decide on the outfit. Going through your closet you came to the conclusion that... You have nothing to wear! (but honestly I'm like this pretty much everyday).

- Sousuke! Come here for a second! - you yelled.

- What is it, [Y/N]? - he asked you with monotonous voice.

- What should I wear to the party?

- Why are you asking me?!

- I need an inspiration... - you whined.

- Alright ... So this red dress looks nice. - he replied heading to the door, but you stopped him.

- But I wore it last year! I can't wear it again!

- Ok... - he sighed - what about the blue one? - he asked pointing out a long, backless, blue dress with some silver details.

- Yeah... I don't really feel like it right now...

- The green one? - he looked at a medium length, cocktail jade green dress.

- This one? No way! It's the worst purchase I've ever made!

- Geez, go naked then! - he seemed really annoyed. - And do not call me again for solving out such problems! - he added walking out of the room.

- Idiot! - you shouted after him and pouted your lips.

- Mako-chan! - you screamed.

- I'm coming! - you heard him say and soon he was in the room with you.

- So what's the problem? - he asked softly.

- I don't know what to wear to the party... - you whined again.

- Hmm, let's see... - he said going through yours clothes.

- What about this one? - he asked handing you a short, baby blue summer dress.

- This one's for summer time...

- Hmm, so maybe this one? - he handed you the next dress, this time though it was a long, empire, champagne pink dress.

- Oh, this one's pretty, I remember when we bought it.

- Yes, you had a really bad day back then, so I asked whether you'd like to go shopping and that's when we found it.

- Yeah, that's why I can't wear it, it's to precious for me. - you smiled innocently and Makoto thought it was really cute how you'd cherish the dress.

- Right, so maybe let's go for yellow...

- No, no yellows!

- What?! Why?!

- It brings you bad luck. - you whispered into his ear trying to sound trustworthy.

- No way, you've made it up right now. - Makoto frowned.

- No, I haven't, I'm 100% serious! - in fact you simply didn't like the dress, but didn't want to show your indecisiveness.

- Okay, so what's the reasoning behind this? - Makoto asked with disbelief.

- Well... - hardly could you think of an argument, you heard Sousuke calling for Makoto.

- Makoto, mind helping me with the tie?

It's complicated (Sousuke x Reader x Makoto)Where stories live. Discover now