A memory ( Makoto x Reader x Sousuke LEMON)

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Hello dear Reader!
I just wanted to let you know that the lemony part of this chapter is in the flashback ( if that's what you've come here for ;) - sorry if it's a bit cringy, I wrote quite a while ago. Also I believe this chapter is longest one so far. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy :)

- [Y/N]... Hey [Y/N]! - Hazuki Nagisa, your manager said raising his voice.

- I'm sorry! What is it, Nagisa-san?

- I want it to be ready by tomorrow. - he said placing a big pile of papers on your desk.

- Eeek?! Please forgive me Nagisa-san! It's because I wasn't feeling well. I'm so sorry, please show me some mercy! - you pleaded while bowing deeply a few times.

Seeing you like this he burst into laughter. You looked at him confused.

- Oh, I was kidding, [Y/N] - he finally managed to say. - You're only getting a half of that.

- Eh, but that's still a lot! Please couldn't you...

- Again! - he laughed even harder. - No need to take everything so seriously. Here - he said handing to you one eighth of the pile. - Now, this time I'm 100% serious.

- Yes sir! Thank you very much, sir! - you saluted in a playful manner.

- OK, now get back to work. - he smiled and lightly stroked your shoulder which made you blush a little.

Time skip

The lunch break had finally started and you and Gou headed to office cafeteria. Thankfully, the queue was pretty short so you didn't have to wait for your turn for too long.

- What are you having, Gou?

- Mhm, these stuffed aubergines look delicious! Shall we get them!? - Gou asked with excitement.

- Why not? Let's give them a try. - you smiled and you both bought the same thing.

You took your trays and sat at a table close to big windows. You began chatting.

- So tell me, Gou, how are the things going with you and Seijuro?

- Pretty smoothly. - she took a sip of coffee. - We're trying to decide on the wedding date.

- Already?! - you nearly choked on your water.

- Yeah, what's the point in waiting and putting it off? I mean, sure I want to wait until spring when there are tons of flowers, everything's green and it's sunny... However, Seijuro wants it to be during winter, when it's everything's white and it's snowing... But it's going to be freezing too, you know! - she pouted her lips. - We keep constantly falling out over this! And you, [Y/N], which one do you think is a better idea?

- Um, if I were to choose I think it would spring.

- Right?! Please, try to persuade him! Here, I'll call him.

- No, it's none of my business! I'm sure that when you tell him you gonna be cold, he won't argue anymore and he'll agree with you. He surely wouldn't want you to get sick for your honeymoon. - you smirked.

- [Y/N]! Don't say such things in public! - Gou was blushing really hard and you couldn't help but laugh.

- Yeah, very funny, indeed. - she said sarcastically. - Hey, tell me how are things between you, Mako-chan and Sousuke? - she asked with a mischievous smile. - Are they still fighting over you so much? - she added.

- Not really. - you tried to play it cool. - I think they've learned to share. - Gou got a nosebleed so you quickly handed her some tissues.

- Are you alright? - you asked with a concern.

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