Baking (Makoto x Reader LEMON)

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- Shall I add more sugar, Mako-chan? - you asked holding a bag of the sweet substance above a mixing bowl.

- No, that's enough. - he responded after looking over your shoulder. - You do remember that Sousuke and I have to stay fit and slim for the sake of our jobs, don't you? - the man chuckled.

- Yeah right, but what about me, eh? Wouldn't you mind if I got bigger? - you laughed.

- I wouldn't, at least as long as you'd get those extra pounds in this area. - Makoto said in a low voice, hugging you from behind and cupping your breasts.

- Makoto... - you whispered.

First he gave you a peck on the cheek, then he went for your lips sucking on them roughly, waiting for you to part them for him. Just as you did so, he entered his tongue into your mouth and started to explore it.

- Makoto! - you lightly pushed him away. - Please, let's get back to baking.

- But [Y/N] we haven't been intimate for weeks. - he said hugging you tighter.

- Actually we have! Don't you remember that one time in the car, during our trip to Kioto? It was last Saturday! It's been only five days.

- It doesn't count!

- Why not?!

- Sousuke was there too... - you didn't see him, but you could swear that he was blushing.

- Are you being jealous? - you teased him.

- Well, actually I am! Why do you always fulfill his wishes, but when I want us to do something together you turn it down?! - he let go of you and sat on a couch hiding his face in his hands.

- Oh, Mako-chan, it's not like that. - you immediately walked up the couch and kneeled in front of him.

You slowly reached out for his hands. You kissed them tenderly and looked up to him.

- I love you so much Makoto... I thought I've been showing you this through my everyday actions and chores... Guess I was wrong. - you felt tears forming in corners of your eyes. - I'm so sorry...

- Don't be... It's all my fault [Y/N]. I'm such an idiot I made you cry! - he screams clenching his fists.

- No, don't ever say that! - you embraced him holding his head close to your heart.

- It's beating so fast. - he whispered and returned the embrace.

- That's because I'm with my biggest crush. - you smiled softly.

- Hmm, me too. - his face brightened up and you shared a sweet kiss.

- Come on. - you stood up and took his hand.

- Huh? But whe- - at first he was confused, but soon he realized where you were leading him.

Had you finally arrived to your bedroom, you playfully pushed him onto the bed and sat on his lap. You stared into each other's eyes and smiled.

- So what do you want me to do? - you finally asked feeling a bit flustered while doing your best not to look away.

- Um - he scratched the back of his neck, an old, sweet Mako-chan was returning - I want us to become one!

Seeing his determined eyes you felt a mix of emotions. But before you could analyze them green-eyed man crushed his lips with yours into a passionate, and look later rough, kiss. You both opened your mouth and your tongues danced together for a while. Simultaneously Makoto gently lied you down on your back and began unbuttoning your shirt. You decided to do the same and you unfastened his belt and unzipped his trousers. You could already feel a growing bulge in his boxers. You squeezed it teasingly making him to stop the kiss and groan.

- [Y/N]... - he whispered and started planting soft kisses on your earlobe going down to your neck and collarbones.

Then he went back to your neck and started to nibble it delicately, looking for your sweet spot. Having found it he began to suck it making you quietly moan his name. Hearing it made only more turned on as he slid his hand into your bra and started massaging your breasts. You leaned forward to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. He understood the signal and unhooked the bra. Your breasts were finally free, stiff nipples sticking into the air.

He paused for a second and looked at you.

- I'm so lucky to have you. You're so beautiful. - he said with a kind smile and leaned for a kiss.

- You are beautiful too, Makoto. All those muscles - you were gently stroking his abs - integrate into  harmonious and sensual patterns. They're like a labyrinth. I might get lost searching for those emerald green gemstones of yours. - you said looking into his eyes.

- And there's also the Minotaur - Makoto winced and lightly poked your entrance with his bulge.

- Should I be afraid of him? - you asked in a playful manner.

- Maybe just a little. - Makoto laughed and you shared a long, romantic kiss.

In the meantime you both got rid of all the remaining clothes you had had on and you felt Makoto positioning himself at your wet entrance.

- Ready? - he asked.

You nodded your head and he slowly entered you. You've did it so many times taking him inch by ich was purely delightful from the very begging. Feeling your inner walls slightly stretching as his long member was slowly penetrating you was one of the most pleasurable things on the earth. Just when you were thinking it can't get any better, Makoto started sucking one of your nipples while rubbing and pinching another. Moans became escaping your mouth. You felt ecstatic.

- Umm, Makoto could you go a bit faster?

- Impatient are we? - he smirked.

You flustered in response. Much to your delight the man became speeding up his pace, filling the room with sounds of your sweaty bodies hitting against each other.

- I'm getting close... - Makoto panted, not slowing down the pace for any second.

- Me too - you said as you could already feel that special sensation in your womb.

After a few more thrusts Makoto and you came in unison mixing your body fluids together. You moaned loudly when you felt him filling up your womb with his hot, thick semen.
Makoto slowed down and thrusted into you a couple more times, waiting for your orgasm to finish. Eventually he pulled out and lied himself next to you. You were both exhausted.

- [Y/N] come here. - he stretched his arms waiting for you.

You did as he'd said and immersed in his strong embrace.

- I love you [Y/N]. - he said and kissed your hair.

- Tell me, Mako-chan, would you like to have a baby? - you asked shyly.

- What?! Are you pregnant?! - poor Makoto looked as if he was going to pass out any second.

- No! - you laughed. - Not yet. - you whispered to yourself.

- Huh, what did you say?

- Oh it's nothing. - you blushed. - Anyhow, it's high time we finished baking. - you spoke up.

- Eh?! You still want to do it?!

- Of course I do! I always finish what I've stared. - you said with confidence and pride. You freed yourself from the embrace and got up. - Come on, I want them be ready when Sousuke will be back!

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