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Rays of sunlight were gently caressing your cheeks. You slowly opened your eyes and looked around. There you were, alone, sitting on the bed and trying to remember what had happened the day before. Not to mention the excruciating headache terrorizing you. You slowly got up and headed to the kitchen. Your throat was dry as dust and you felt like drinking a whole gallon of water at once.

- Look who's up, it's our Sleeping Beauty~ - Sousuke's voice greeted you.

- Good morning [Y/N]-chan! - Makoto happily exclaimed.

- Geez, turn down the volume a bit. - you said in annoyance, hissing as the loud sound intensified the pain.

- Sorry... - he apologized - Are you alright? - he asked with a worried expression.

- It's ok, btw what time is it?

- 11 o'clock. - Sousuke answered while reading a newspaper.

-What?! It's already that late? Why didn't you wake me up?

- What's the point? None of us goes to work today so we thought you may as well sleep in. - Sousuke replied, not taking his eyes off of the newspaper.

- Plus, you looked super cute and innocent that it would be heartless to wake you. - Makoto chuckled.

- Are you saying that you were staring at me while I was sleeping? Now that's kinda creepy. - you laughed.

You reached out for the bottle of water and raised it to your lips.

- Hey [Y/N] - Sousuke finally looked you in the eyes - Don't drink directly from the bottle. You don't want to spread your germs into it, do you? That would disgusting. - he said in disapproval.

- You're in contact with them literally every.fucking.time when we kiss. Besides I'm gonna drink the whole thing, so don't you worry, my dear germs will come back to their mummy. - since when has he become so picky?

- Go on. We both know you can't do it. - your good ol' Sousuke was back with his devilish smirk.

- [Y/N] please don't do it, it's not healthy at all. You'd better sip it gradually throughout the day... - Makoto tried to stop you, but you would never refuse a challenge.

- Watch me - you said looking at Sousuke and began drinking.

Your originally flat stomach started looking visibly larger with each sip. You felt yourself being slowly filled up with the liquid and you started loosing confidence that you gonna make it. Thankfully, there were only few more sips left. The last one and... You did it! You looked at Sousuke with a triumphant smile.

- I would never believe if someone told that you could do it, but now...

Suddenly you felt an unbearable pressure on your bladder and the next thing you did was storming out from the kitchen and running to the bathroom.

- [Y/N] is everything alright!? - Makoto asked from behind the closed door.

- I-I'm fine, it's just... Mako-chan could you please go somewhere else right now?

- Eh?! - you could hear that what you'd said made him confused.

- I really need to... - you struggled to say it aloud - I need to pee and I don't want you hear me doing it! - you said blushing.

- Oh sorry, don't worry about it, I'm off. - you heard his soft voice getting more and more quiet as he was walking away from the bathroom door.

- "Thank goddess" - you thought and quickly did what you'd came for. ( I know it sounds strange 😂)


You were lying on a couch, trying to read some fashion magazines. However, the terrible pain enabled you only to stare mindlessly at photos and leaf through the magazines. You didn't even notice when Sousuke had entered the room and sat next to you.

- Here, it'll make you feel better. - with a kind and compassionate smile he handed you a cup of green tea.

- Thanks. - you looked up to him and smiled softly.

- Still feeling like shit? - he asked while smiling playfully.

- Kind of... But at least I'm not thirsty anymore. - you laughed.

- What are you reading? - he asked and you showed him the magazines.

- I didn't know you're that into fashion. - he looked at you with curious eyes.

- Well I guess I like to read some articles of that sort once in a while. - you shrugged.

The two of you sat for some time in silence, you going through magazine's pages and Sousuke checking emails on his phone.
Having finished he leaned forward to you to see what you were reading at the moment. A headline said : "13 best sex positions" and then there where all the numbers provided with some instructional graphics.
You held your breath waiting for the man to react in some way.

- This one's my favorite. - he said pointing with his finger n°6 - Planking.

- Yeah, I've noticed. - you chuckled which made him blush a little.

- What's your favorite one, then? - he asked while looking curiously at you.

- N°4 Missionary. - you answered after thinking for a moment.

- Missionary? But it's so... usual. Don't you like anything more experimental? For example n°10? - it was "The magic bullet"

- Not really, I feel like n°4 is the most romantic one as we look each other in the eyes for the entire time. - you elaborated with a dreamy voice.

- Is this really that cool? - he asked slightly embarrassed and unsure.

- It's just that I truly admire your eyes, they're the most beautiful I've ever seen, so I could simply stare into them for hours. - you said with a warm smile.

- I think yours are prettier. - he said and caressed your cheek.

Just as you were about to kiss Makoto entered the room.

- What are you doing guys? What is it that you're reading, [Y/N]? - he asked cheerfully.

- Well... - you went red as a beetroot, but still handed him the magazine.

- Let's see~ - he scanned the pages with curiosity.

There was a complete silence in the room as Makoto was innocently leafing through the magazine.

- Hey, have you seen this ! It's quite interesting. - he said and showed you what he was talking about.

Both you and Sousuke went pale as a ghost and threw each other confused glances.

- We must try them out tonight~ Makoto commanded cheerfully.

- Makoto! - you and Sousuke yelled in unison.

Hope you enjoyed
Next chapter will be x Sousuke LEMON
Anyhow my prom is star in 40 min so I'm off

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