Remedy for sore muscles (Sousuke x Reader) - Two alternative ENDings*

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A/N : Sorry for the long wait, I've had a hard time and didn't feel like writing at all 😟😞 Anyway I feel better now and I'll do my best to publish new chapters more often. Also I'm gonna publish a new Killing Stalking fanfiction series so check that out 😉
P.S. I know that the title sucks, but I really couldn't come up with anything better. Should you have any ideas, please comment, maybe I'll change it 😄😘

- I can't believe I've actually agreed to go to the gym with you. - you sighed in disbelief.

- Oh come on [Y/N], it wasn't that bad. In fact, you did really well, I wasn't expecting you to be this fit and...

- That's because I always put in 100% effort! - you said with pride raising up your chin.

- Of course you do! - Sousuke laughed.

- Hey! What's so funny about that?! - you asked, getting a bit mad.

- You're cute when you're angry. - he said pushing you against wall and smacking his lips.

- You make me want to put 100% of me in you.~ - he purred and started kissing and sucking on your neck.

- Sousuke, not now~ - your hands were gently stroking his abs. - I'm sweaty.

- It turns me on even more. - he said and began massaging your breasts, in response to which you quietly moaned.

- Sousuke, please, let me take a bath first. Then, we'll do whatever you want~ - you whispered and he slowly let go of you.

- I have your word. - he winked at you and walked out of the room.

You walked into a big bathroom and stared preparing the bath. Seeing the tub slowly filling up with water, you decided to add a bath bomb. It smelled like roses and made water turn pink.

When the bath was ready you slowly took off your clothes, careful not to strain any of the sore muscles. Finally you sat down in tub and relaxed. The pleasantly hot water made you melt into the bath and the scent of roses transfered your mind to a sunny meadow. You slowly cleaned yourself with your favorite creamy soap, taking your time and enjoying every minute. However, when you were finally done, you realized you had forgotten to take your towel and it was still lying somewhere in your bedroom. You scolded yourself for being so absent-minded and decided to ask Sousuke to bring it to you.

- Sousuke! Could you please bring me my towel? It's in the bedroom. - you screamed.

- Sure, wait a minute! - you heard from behind the door.

After a moment you heard a knock on the door and they slowly opened. Cool, fresh air entered the bathroom and Sousuke stepped in. He was wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. Oh wait, it wasn't some random towel, it was your towel.

- Sousuke! What the heck are you doing?! My poor, poor towel, you've made it all dirty and smelly... - you whined.

- Hey [Y/N] ! Are you calling me dirty and smelly?! - he asked a bit angrily while walking up to the bathtub.

- Aren't you? I've seen you sweating like crazy back at the gym. - you said softening your voice.

The man unwrapped the towel, right in front of you, and you flustered seeing his slightly erected member centimeters away from your face.

- What is it [Y/N]? - he smirked - Suddenly acting all innocent and pure. But that's fine... It turns me on even more. - he added and slowly made his way into the tub, sitting himself down on the other end to be able to face you.

You felt his calf brushing against your inner thigh, after all the tub wasn't too big and he had pretty long legs, so you tried to get up finishing the bath and leaving him more space. However, his strong hands pinned your hips down, making you stay in the tub for a bit longer.

- You've prepared a really enjoyable bath, [Y/N]. - he said with a relaxed smile.

- But the water has already gotten a bit dirty, you know. I can prepare you a new one.

- No need for that. - he said and pulled you closer into his embrace, creating a small wave. - You're clean and that's enough for me ~ - he murmured and began kissing and nibbling your neck, looking for your sweet-spot.

- Ah~ Sousuke - you moaned his name. - Stop~ We can't... - you whispered while softly pushing him away.

- Don't worry about him. I guess he won't be back until 3am, he's meeting with Haruka, Nagisa and Rei today.

- But...

- We have plenty of time. - he interrupted and planted a soft kiss on your lips.

- Sousuke...? - you asked with your cheeks slightly red.

- Yes, my love? - he asked seductively and pulled you closer.

- Would you like me to wash your back? - you asked with an innocent smile.

- Eh? - he looked surprised, obviously he'd been hoping for something more. Still, he agreed and turned, exposing his broad shoulders and muscular back to you. At that moment he looked so beautiful and helpless, his muscles gracefully entwinning his unprotected body. You took some soap and applied it to his soft skin in circular motions. Then you began gently massaging his muscles, doing your best to banish their tightness and tension.

- So good... - he purred, closing his eyes in a pure bliss.

- I'm glad to hear that. - you replied with a warm smile.

When the massage was over, you rinsed the remaining soap form his back and he leaned back, resting his head on your collar bona. He took your delicate hand into his and planted a chest kiss on its dorsal side.

- [Y/N]?

- Yes?

- Why do you love me? - he suddenly asked out of nowhere.

- Hmm... - you tried to find some reasons but nothing would come to your mind. - I guess it's because we're so much alike. - You finally said. - It's like we're two halfs of one whole. - You added and shyly looked him in the eyes after he had turned to face you. His captivating teal eyes were filled with love and tenderness which you've been always craving. His perfectly shaped lips curled into a delicate smile.

- I've been dreaming of hearing this from you. - he said softly stroking your cheek.

You captured his hand and kissed his wrist tenderly.

- And why do you love me? - you asked him shyly.

- Haven't you just said that we're two halfs of a whole? My answer is the same as yours. - he said then leaned forward and kissed you romantically.

- I know it can be really hard sometimes as we're both equally stubborn and slightly arrogant. - he started and you blushed a bit hearing it. - But there's so many good traits and interesting hobbies we share, and I firmly believe that we were made for each other.

- [Y/N] please, be only mine? - he asked, his beautiful eyes filled with hope.

- Sousuke... I... - finally you have to make a choice between staying with him or with Makoto.

* to be continued *

Important announcement!

I'm planning on writing two separate stories (one about Sousuke, another 'bout Makoto) and they will be soon posted as new *books* so if you're interested definitely go check my profile or follow me.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed the story, and I promise to try my best while writing the new ones, so they'll be equally interesting and enjoyable.

See you soon~💛

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