The presents

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Also a quick A/N: No lemon this time (if that's what you've come here for 😂😏)

Having felt a soft kiss on yourh lips you slowly opened your [color] eyes. The sun rays were leaping through the curtains resting on your tangled, naked bodies. Sousuke's teal eyes were placed on your face. He stroked your cheek.

- Good morning [Y/N] - he said with a gentle smile.

- Morning Sousuke - you couldn't help but give him a little kiss on the lips.

- How does it feel being 27? - you asked playfully.

- Well, you'll soon find out. - he chuckled.

He pulled you closer and breathed in your sweet scent.

- You always smell so nice and calming. - he whispered.

- You do too. Your scent somehow makes me feel safe and protected. - you responded blushing, afraid that he'd think you're some kind of freak.

- Oh, does it? I guess that's the reason why you keep borrowing my clothes. - he laughed.

- Plus they are super cozy and... - you wanted to finish but was interrupted by the teal-eyed man.

- They turn me on ~ - Sousuke finished for you.

As you looked him in the eyes they were full of passion. You kissed and wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him even closer. However, just as the fun was about to start, you heard a knock on the door.

- Hey guys are you there? - you heard a soft, familiar voice coming from behind the door.

-Just a second! - you shouted quickly getting off the bed.

On your way to the door you saw an angry look on Sousuke's face, but decided to ignore it. Regardless of all your love for Makoto, you had to admit you were quite disappointed that you and Sousuke got interrupted by his sudden arrival.

- Welcome home Mako-chan. - you greeted him as you opened the door and let him in.

- Hello [Y/N] - chan. - he said giving you a soft kiss on the cheek.

- So, how was the shift? - you asked.

- Well I can't complain as it passed pretty peacefully. - he answered looking around as if looking for something.

- Is Sousuke home? - he asked finally looking at you.

-Yeah, I think he's still...

- Sup Makoto. - said Sousuke walking in the room.

- Sousuke! - Makoto gave him a hug. - Happy birthday! - he added handing him a gift bag. - Hope you'll like it.

Sousuke looked into the bag and immediately blushed deeply sending a flustered glance to the brunette, then to you. You looked at Makoto only too see him smiling innocently at Sousuke. It got a little awkward so you decided to break the silence.

- You two are surely hungry. Let's go and eat the breakfast. There are still some leftovers from yesterday.

- Oh yes, I'm starving! - Makoto laughed and you all went to the dinning room.

-It looks like you didn't touch a thing! But I must admit I'm not even surprised. - Makoto laughed even more. - Can't wait for my birthday - he winked at you, which made you blush.

- Never mind, let's eat. - Sousuke said, his voice a bit irritated.

- It looks delicious, [Y/N] good job. - Makoto praised you.

-Thank you Mako-chan, I really did my best. Too bad no one bothered to taste it. - you said in a playful manner looking at Sousuke and saw him smirk.

Timeskip (after the breakfast)

-So do we have any plans for the evening? - asked Makoto as you were all sitting on the sofa occupied with different things - Makoto leafing through newspaper, Sousuke surfing the internet and you reading [your favorite book] .

Getting no response Makoto smiled slyly and asked again :
- Wouldn't you like to test the thing I gave you?

Sousuke went pale and put down his smartphone.

- Now that you've asked I think I'd like to see that new Marvel movie, what was its title again...? - Sousuke said
said scratching his nape.

- No, not again! I can't stand those dumb films! There's no way I'm... - you stopped as Sousuke gave you a death glance.

- No, it's ok [Y/N], we can always do something else, for exemple... - Makoto didn't finish.

- Hey [Y/N]! You haven't given me your present yet! - Sousuke quickly changed the subject.

- Right... - you blushed - I'll be right back. - you got up and went for to the gift.

- Sousuke, you do know you'll have to use it sonner or later. - Makoto leaned to him and whispered.

- No f***ing way! Where did you even find that thing?! - Sousuke yelled.

- Well, it wasn't easy, but... - brunette didn't finish as he saw you enter the room.

- Here you are, Sousuke. And once again - Happy Birthday! - you gave him a big teal gift bag and hugged him. - Hope you'll like it. I really did my best. - you said blushing and shyly looking at him.

- I'm sure it'll be great. - Sousuke smiled to you brightly and reached into the bag. - Wow. - was all he said when he saw the content of bag.

- Let me see. - Makoto walked up to you. - [Y/N], it's really amazing! - he reacted in a similar way to teal-eyed man.

- I'm so glad you liked it, at one point I began to feel like it's a complete disaster. - you said with a soft smile.

-Oh come on, you're being way too humble. It is truly beautiful. - Sousuke replied cheerfully and pulled you into a hug. - Thank you so much, [Y/N]. - he said and planted a kiss on your forehead.

- Group hug! - Makoto laughed and joined you.

(Yet another) timeskip

The painting had been already hanged and all three of you were getting ready. In the end you agreed to go see that new Marvel movie. You realized it didn't really matter what you were about to do as long as it meant spending some time with your boys. Right before leaving your apartment you threw a quick glance at the painting. You saw the three of you, Mako-chan on the left, Sousuke on the right and you in the middle, smiling happily.

- I wish it could stay forever this way. - you thought smiling to yourself and you all went to the cinema.

It's complicated (Sousuke x Reader x Makoto)Where stories live. Discover now