Chapter 16

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Tris's POV

I wake up and feel really dizzy. I see Tobias pacing around the room. He looks up and sees me. He smiles and then I see a tear stream down jis face.

He walks over still crying and holds my hand.

"I have bad news..." He trails off.

"What happened!?" I start to cry to as he sits down.

"Christina... didn't make it." We both start to cry as we just sit there then my vision goes black...

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Tobias's POV

She slowly falls asleep. I can't believe Christina is dead. My first and only daughter is dead. I start to cry again and walk out of the room.

I drive home in quiet until I realize I don't have a home anymore. I cry even more until I see Zeke and Uriah.

I stop the car and get out running towards them.

"I missed you guys!" I start to cry again.

"Dude, you ok?" They both say.

"Tris got shot and is in the hospital... and Christina is dead." I cry even more as they hug me. What am I going to do now?

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