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I feel like my brain is squashing against my cranium. My mood is so fickle I do not know what to do. One second I can be fulfilled but then I become totally depressed. Over nothing, most of times. I do my homeworks posthaste or I just cast them off. Sometimes, I feel like I'm a millstone. Just a burden to my friends. I feel like I am doomed for the rest of my life. I am always queasy as if I am going to puke everytime of everyday. But I don't. I'm sure I'm peculiar but nobody won't ever tell me. I'm also tired of being prickly over nothing like when my friend doesn't reply my text. It is not a big deal, why do my emotions have to make such a fuss inside my chest? I choke everyday, so much I think I might choke (foolish joke). Crap. I might just stop saying silly things and just sleep until the end.

Surdouance, mais pas trop non plusOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant