Riddler x Reader (Mistletoe)

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Edward was being a little shit. It was a seemingly normal party for some of the rouges. Selina, Pam, and Harley sat in the corner while looking for people they knew. Oswald was strutting through the club with a small smirk on his face, surveying his kingdom that is the Iceberg Lounge. Jonathan was no where in sight even though Harley had begged him to attend (he said no on the grounds that he was quote, "not a social creature"). Harvey sat at the bar, as usual. Unfortunately, Waylon was still trapped in Arkham after being apprehended by the Batman and Roman went 'missing in action' a few weeks ago. And thank the lord, the Joker was no where in sight (much to the dismay of Harley). The reason every evil doer was together was a mystery in every sense of the word. You see, it just happened to be Christmas Eve. Which apparently was important to most of the rouges there, others just came to have a good time. Everyone was having an amazing time, even Edward.

Except for poor (Y/N). (Y/N) had spent the whole night avoiding Edward, who had been constantly tormenting her with his never ending charm. Edward had been following her around with no clear motive of why and just continued smirking. This irked (Y/N) to no end. The most annoying part of the whole thing for (Y/N) was that she didn't know what the hell Edward was so proud of. If only she knew. At various locations around the party hung strategically placed mistletoe for a target that was none the wiser. Said target was the unfortunate (Y/N). Who placed the mistletoe? None other than Edward Nygma.

Edward was not one to openly admit his feelings, he would much rather show his affection with actions. So when he discovered he had a 'crush' on (Y/N) he was rather dismayed. He had no clear answer on how to win the love of (Y/N) who was but a simple hacker. This scared the living daylights out of him. He considered all of the possibilities. Even asked for advice (he decided his "friend" Jonathan would be the best to aid him with this problem, imagine his surprise when he realized that Jon didn't give a shit). In the end he decided to tell her of his feelings thinking that how could anyone not love him? So with this thought he made a plan. Which mainly involved the idea that (Y/N) would show at Oswald's party. Not his best plan yes, but it would most likely work. Oswald had been minding his own business when all of a sudden he got a call from none other than the Riddler himself, who practically demanded that he be involved in the decoration aspect of the party. Oswald begrudgingly agreed. So when the day of the party came, he made sure that he looked his best. When he saw (Y/N) he made a decision to follow her and ultimately steer her into the path of one of the mistletoe plants. He was sure this would work.

(Y/N) grew increasingly more annoyed and uneasy the longer Edward followed her and the bigger his ever present smirk grew. As she struggled to trick Edward to stop following her she unwittingly wandered right where he wanted her. Under one of the various mistletoe plants located near the bar. Edward's smirk grew larger, which (Y/N) didn't think was possible.

"Well my dear," he purred, "as you may have noticed, you have walked right under some mistletoe. You know what that means don't you?" He paused, "I have no choice but to kiss you."

With that, he stared into (Y/N)'s wide eyes. Truth be told, (Y/N) was still confused as to what just happened. So, she thought, my long time crush just asked me to kiss him under the mistletoe. I bet he planned this. That little shi-

(Y/N) was torn from her thoughts as Edward leaned forward to kiss her. After a few moments (Y/N) got a grip on the situation and started kissing back. Edward made the kiss deeper. After a minute they both pulled back to breathe.

"How about we continue this at my house my love?" Edward asked. (Y/N) could do nothing but smile and nod as Edward pulled her away from the crowd to leave the party. They could both tell that it was the beginning of a wonderful night.


Harley let out a squeal, "Called it Red!" She screeched.

Pam and Selina just sat there, confused. Harley continued her happy dance.

"(Y/N) and him?" Selina made a disgusted face, "What do you think of all this Pamela?" She questioned. Pam just stared ahead with a confused expression plastered across her face.

"I honestly have no idea..."

I kind of like how it turned out soooooo yeahhhh. So yeah this was an idea I had for a romantic Christmas one shot with good ol Eddie (aka the psychopathic cinnamon roll). I would love any requests and or opinions on my writing so please requests are always open and go ahead and request a story!!!!

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