4. Shopping but with difficulties

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Ashkore POV
I just changed my lifetime wish to Lilith's annoyment. She seems a bit-I mean a lot-hot headed, so it will be easy. She's currently bitchfacing me. She looks like an annoying freaking cat. I shouldn't-- My thoughts were cut off by myself, because I started laughing, and Lilith rolled her eyes at me. She still looks fucking hilarious. Oh. My. God.
"My craziness can't be explained. It's really random." She said suddenly, smiling-oh who am I kidding, smirking-a bit.

"There has to be a reason why you're crazy. Unless you're born that way."

"Reaally funny ash-hole." She said with a sarcastic tone. "It might be because of the series I watch tho."

"See, you have a proper anwser." She sticked out her tounge at me.

"Evie and Lilly are crazier."

"Yeah, keep telling that you yourself."

"Hey!" She didn't speak to me after that, she only murmered something under her breath. I stared at her for a while, then I just laid down to sleep, on the mattress. Because apparently, they have a mattress. We don't. Haha, I can break the fourth wall in thought, without an annoying little shit named Leiftan stopping me. But where's the fun in that? So while I was laying peacefully on the mattress, Lilith was playing a drama queen. Well she's female after all. Damn I could annoy her to death. What am I thinking...I could annoy anyone to death,not just her. I couldn't fall back asleep, so I decided to get up, and I did so. I only took a few steps, but the floor was already creaking under me. Quality, quality. I rolled my eyes-I swear, creaking stuff is just annoying-then continued my way down the creaky corridor. I walked, not even knowing where I'm going, I just needed to walk or move a little. It was dark, I couldn't see anything. The hallway seemed to end, so I turned. I walked into a door, basically. Auch. I backed up a bit, I mean I just hit my head, thats normal, right? Right??! I opened the door I just walked into, you know, curiousity. It was only a storage room, at least I tought it was. That was until I smelled something weird, which I haven't before. I nearly fell down when I stepped further, but I kept my balance, and also didn't. When I thought I got my balance back, I walked into something, again. It wasn't a door this time. It clattered when I shoved it or them accidentally. They were bottles. I picked one out of the lot, opened it, and smelled it. It was the same smell I felt before, but stronger. I didn't drink from it tho, no one knows what could be in there. I put the bottle back, then walked up the stairs, then closed the door also. I walked back the corridor, and noted that this corridor is the wrong corridor. I walked through on the other side, and I ended up where I wanted to get to first: the living room.Two of the humans-Lilly and Evie or who-currently explained something to the others. Nobody noticed me, which was great, I don't like attention at all. Of course the short dog didn't care about that, and started to bark at me. Dogs are just stupid as fuck. I shot a glare at the dog, but then I looked up to see that the others are looking at me.

"Shush there, it's just Ashkore." Said Evie, aka the blue haired one. I'm not really good with names, okay?

"He's quite scary tho..." Murmured Alajéa. That bitch...No, I'm not that rude. Ok, that was a clear lie, I am rude as fuck, if not more rude than that. And she is a bitch. More like a loudmouth actually. When I had enough of scolding her, I responded to her, but don't worry, I only did that because I'm fake-nice.

"I heard that, Ariel." Right after I said that, the humans looked at me like I am a prophet who just told them the word of God. I looked at Leiftan and he bitchaced me, while shaking his head.

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