14. Shadows of the past

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Valkyon's POV
Miiko "asked" us to get some fresh air, and she also asked me to get the two other guard leaders out of bed. First I got in Nevra's room, since I knew that I'm going to have the most work with him, since he probably feels guilty after what happened. When I opened in, I didn't see anyone inside. I searched the room in case he hid somewhere, but I haven't found him. I sighed and decided to try and get Ezarel, maybe if I am with him, I'll have better luck at finding Nevra. I entered his room, and what I saw in front of my eyes explained everything, and answered all of my questions, but also made new ones form. Miiko should've told me that I have to get them out of the same bed.
I went closer, and wondered how did they end up like this, it was quite odd. But at least I didn't have to worry about reconciling them, they're probably in good terms if they sleep together. That close. Very good terms. Very good. I shook my head, getting that thought out of my head, then I gently shook the shoulders of those sleepyheads. Nevra furrowed his brow uncomfortably, not wanting to wake up, and he nuzzled his head into Ezarel's back so I couldn't see him. I sighed. "Seriosly, just wake up." I heard his muffled answer, which was a no. I shook them a bit harder, so that Ezarel could wake up too. He opened his eyes slightly, but when he saw what situation he was in, his eyes snapped open. He looked at Nevra in confusion, then at me, then back at Nevra, and then he sat up on the bed. Nevra still didn't look like he'll wake up.
"Give him five minutes." Said Ezarel sleepily, as he rubbed tiredness out of his eyes. He streched his arms, careful not to hurt his neck. "Why did you come, by the way?"

"Well, Miiko told me to take you two out in the fresh air, so you could make things up, but as I see you're not in bad terms, are you?"

Nevra suddenly jumped out of the bed, a bit panicking.
"T-This is not what you think!!"

"Sure, sure." I smiled slightly, not really believing him. It was quite obvious that there was something between him and Ezarel lately. "See you two outside the room in ten minutes, okay?" I stepped out of the room without waiting for a reply, since this was more of an order than a question. As I was waiting outside, I heard the usual creaking of the wooden floor, and soon a head with a messy black hair appeared at the bottom of the stairs. Ashkore's green eyes looked up at me, but he didn't say anything, which was weird, so I raised my eyebrow slightly. Ashkore shook his head, returning from the depths of his mind, and looked up at me again. "Sorry, got zoned out." He said, as if he would owe me an explanation. "Mind if I tag along? I'm kind of bored and I figured that I have to get along with you all, since I'm on your side now..." He probably would have continued, but I cut him off quickly.

"This isn't an interrogation, you don't have to explain everything. Thanks for your honesty, anyway. And no, I don't mind, and I don't think that Nevra and Ezarel will mind it either. Just don't tease them with each other."

"Alright, boss." He said, as he sat down on the stairs, making it creak louder than it usually does. The silence between us started to grow into an awkward situation, since he was our ex-enemy. You don't often have your ex-enemies sitting in your home, and they definetly don't live with you also. "So..." Said Ashkore, breaking the silence. "I have to confess something, before the, uh... Other two come out." He looked concerned, and he kept avoiding eye contact, but his voice was stern, therfore he sounded confident, but he didn't look like it. I nodded, not saying a word, just simply paying attention. He looked around, probably checking for eavesdroppers at some sort, after that he turned back to me. "I lied before. I didn't come by myself, Miiko sent me. We...I'd better say that I, showed her a vision of mine. And you know about a dragon's vision well, don't you?" He looked directly into my eyes. I knew what he was trying to imply at. I am usually calm, but I think that it's perfectly undestandable to get a bit angry, when somebody knows something about you, what you haven't told them. I never said anything about my origins to anyone, therefore he wasn't supposed to know anything about that. I might have been a bit too agressive, but I kind of picked him up by his shirt, above myself, so his legs didn't reach the ground.

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