7. Leiftan stop

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Leiftan's POV
I silently, and secretry followed Ashkore, after I saw him through the window, walking towards the woods. I was worried that he'd be lost, or that he'd do something stupid. He didn't notice that I followed him, thankfully.
He was very different, he looked, if I could say that, innocent, while he was looking at the animals, and trying not to smile. He probably wouldn't admit it, and tell me to fuck off if I ever told him that, but he smiled softly multiple times during his walk.

I was watching him from further, when he was wandering, and I heard a noise, which I haven't before, but I shrugged it off. That was until I heard the voice from closer, and closer, and more closer. Ashkore didn't notice anything, and he was about to step to the roads. Meanwhile , I already saw the source of the noise, and I quickly jumped out of my hide-out, and rushed to him. The object was going forward him, and the idiot did nothing. He didn't even blink, neither move. For a second, I tought I'll lose him. It wasn't a happy experience. I grabbed him by his jumper, and pulled him behind at the last second. I released a sigh of relief, and hugged Ashkore. He was shocked, but said nothing at first, and I almost felt nostalgic. But then...

"Who the hell are you and why are you holding me down?!" Shouted Ashkore, while trying to wriggle himself out of my arms. I sighed annoyedly.

"Calm down, it's just me, Leiftan. And I'm not holding you down, I'm simply hugging you."

"Oh, Leiftan? Well, in that case...LET GO OF ME YOU MORON!!"

I smiled slyly. I kind of enjoyed that he couldn't get out of my grip, no matter what he tried. So I decided to hug him tighter and stronger. It felt good for two reasons, one, I haven't hugged my brother for ages, and two, I enjoy his annoyment just as much as he enjoys mine. Ashkore wriggled more, but when he couldn't get out he groaned.

"I swear." Started he with a strict tonality. "If you don't let go of me...I'll punch you."

"Aaw, and how will you do that exactly? I'm behind you and you can't move."

"Don't underestimate me, brother." He tried to kick me bit he couldn't so I laughed while he growled and swore.

"See, I told you."

"I hate you."

"Yeah, I know." I hugged him even more tighter, and I could say that I felt his annoyment too. I grinned, knowing that I already won.

"Why don't you just...let me go...get up...walk over to that tree over there.... AND STICK BOTH OF YOUR FUCKING HANDS INTO A BEES NEST INSTEAD OF HUGGING ME???!"

"Well, my dear Ashkore, aren't you a little bit too rude?"

"Don't call me yours, you don't own me, and of course I'm fucking rude, what did you expect?? That I'll turn around and embrace you, while telling you how much I love you??!"

"That would be nice." I joked, to get on his nerves.

"Forget about it! I will never show any kind of love, especially towards you! So don't wait for me to change my mind."

"Don't worry, I wasn't. I know that you actually love me." I grinned, and he looked like he's going to blow up. He tried to get out of my grasp, but he still couldn't. He growled like a dog or a wolf would. Sometimes I wonder if Ashkore is actually some kind of wolf breed like Chrome, But Ash doesn't have any fluffy ears. What a pity, I'd pet him behind his ears to pick onlike And that probably would be something he would like, but wouldn't admit it.

"What kinds of dirty thoughts you have there, brother?" Asked Ashkore, giving up on trying to escape from my grip. He stayed still, and relaxed.

"Wait, did you just call me your brother????" I asked shockingly, because he only does that when he's telling people how annoying I am.

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