10. Detention and the crazy boy army

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Ashkore's POV

I almost started going home in the calm, sunny weather, but I soon realized, that I was supposed to be in detention, which will start...   I looked at my clock and mentally facepalmed myself for being so forgetful.  3 minutes ago?! 

I started to run to detention, back to school, Miiko looked after me and laughed, and no matter the fact that I was running, I still came into the classroom five minutes late.
"Sorry I'm late." I huffed, and I felt nostalgic, didn't that just happen at the morning? I sat down, and started to act like nothing happened, but I felt eyes on me. I looked up and the teacher and Lilith were both looking at me. My eyes were jumping between them, waiting for something to happen.

"Wow Ashhole, being late from the detention which you got for being late? Even I haven't done that yet. Congratulations." Said Lilith, half whispering and grinning, patting my shoulders.

"Don't praise him, Mrs. I'll turn a blind eye before that, Mr. Ashton, since it's your first day."

"Thanks." I said, being polite the first time in my life I think. Yeeeah, it was kind of the first time. Not like I haven't faked politeness before. I started doing my homework and other stuff, and after at about 15 minutes I felt something in my hair, but ignored it, saying to myself that I'm probably just imagining things. But when I felt the same thing again, a few seconds later on my neck, I knew that something is odd. I turned to the side where I felt these things coming from, and of course I saw Lilith grinning, and I don't even know why I didn't know that it was her right away. I glared at her, and he put her empty pen and paper away. Ew, seriously? That's disgusting. It's awesome. A new way to annoy my annoying little brother in class. He's the one who's been insisting on this title, he's actually not that annoying. Or was it idiotic? Ah, I don't even remember, but whatever, it's Leiftan.

"You are actually a genius Lilith." I said grinning.

"Whyyy?" She asked uncertainly, probably thinking that I'm planning on a new way to get on her veins.

"Well, now I can have fun in classes. Teaching me something new again, ah yes, you are pretty clever besides the fact that you're just a mortal human.

"Uuuuh thanks?"

"No speaking you two!" Scolded the teacher, with an angry look. Even if we didn't speak, we did pass notes to each other during the whole detention. Besides that, it was a painful hour. When it did finally end, Lilith put the paper in her bag, and I was a bit surprised since I tought that she'll throw it out. But thinking trough it again, she might be able to use that piece of sheet for blackmailing me. We headed home, in the know chillier weather, but it was still nice and warm, and also calmer, since most students didn't suck in detention like us. On the way home me and Lilith chatted, mostly about sibbling problems, and how we actually love them, and how they just don't know. We can talk to each other I guess, it's a great frindship after all. Now, I don't want anybody to think that I like her romantically, because I don't. Plus, she might not be swinging that way. She doesn't look like a relationship person. Back to where I was, as we were walking, somehow Nevra and Ezarel got brought up.

"Sooo. Are they dating? My sister told me something like that. Plus a few of my classmates are attracted to Nevra, but they said that they think he's into his friend actually. But they're keeping their hopes up in Leiftan."


"Yes. You know too that your brother looks pretty great, honestly."

"I know, he is a pretty boy."

"Does it annoy you?"

"Leiftan? Yes, but he is a he, not an it."

"I meant the girls hitting on him. Liking him, and all that?" 

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