21. The Beginning of an End

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Nevra's POV

I was on my way to a witch when I heard very loud noises from above. I looked upon the sky, expecting to see signs of extreme weather, but noticing a strange phenomenon instead. Two dragons seemed to fight up there. I quickly rubbed my eyes, since one of them looked awfully like Ashkore's outfit, and because I've never seen a dragon. I shook my head quickly, this must be serious,  I need to get back to the HQ. I left the forest, and on the plains a surprising sight greeted me. The others were scattered around in a circle, most of them sitting or kneeling, but some were standing. Valkyon was at the front, staring up the sky sternly, he almost looked sad, even. I counted them, but some of them were missing. I almost started to worry, but then I noticed three figures running back to the HQ. They must be going to get help. I ran to Miiko, as soon as I made out her gaping figure in the crowd. Her eyes were wide open, staring. I shook her by her shoulders gently.

"Miiko." She quickly turned her gaze towards me, and immediately hugged me tightly.

"Dear Oracle." She sighed. "You're alive..."

Despite my shock, I decided not to ask about that now, since I really did disappear so suddenly. I choose to ask her about the dragons instead. They probably know about it, since they had appeared with them, after all.

"What's happening?"

"It's Ash. And Lance, apparently."

"What? Lance? Isn't he...?"

"Seems like he isn't. I don't get anything anymore." Said Valkyon, not taking his eyes off the sky. It must be tough for him. He did, just like all of us, think that Lance died years ago. We never had the suspicion that he might be alive. This has shaken me up too, I can only imagine how intense Valkyon's feelings could be at the moment. He mumbled something to himself, then without taking a glance at us, he spoke. "I must stop them."

"Valkyon, don't you dare. It's probably...their business."

"He said they were on good terms. They knew each other." Leiftan approached us and put his hand on Valkyon's shoulder reassuringly.

"Let's stop our brothers, now, shall we?" Miiko opened her mouth to objectify, but I put my hand on her shoulder. Valkyon nodded at Leiftan, and soon they fled up the sky. My mouth gaped open. Sure, I should've connected the dots already, but seeing Valkyon turn into a dragon still surprised me. Why wouldn't he tell us that he was a dragon? Those species are well respected after all.
    Staring at the sky, I slowly turned to Miiko, then my eyes wandered down, to the people. Safety. We need to get them to safety. As I was looking around, my eyes locked with Eveleiin's. She looked as if she had things to say, but she sighed, took a glance at the sky, then she nodded at me. She must've seen what I was thinking about, just by looking at me. With the help of Jamon, she started heading back to the HQ with everyone. There was only me, and Miiko then.

She stared at the fight, frozen. She barely even blinked. It is a lot to process, after all. The fire, that the dragons blew out occasionally, lit her face, which enhanced her expression even more. As I looked at the dragons, I felt the same. It was terrible to watch. It's so frustrating, when you can do nothing, but stare, and listen. Listen to the fire crackling, listen to the howls, the screams, the shouts. Watching each battler, both Ash and Lance, wound each other, and see Valkyon fail to stop them, fail to get between them. It's so annoying, when you can't help, when you're helpless. Neither I, nor Miiko was able to do anything for Valkyon, so he could stop the fight, or Leiftan, who due to his size, didn't even get close, and when he almost did, Ashkore always pushed him down. He didn't want him there. But Leiftan wouldn't give up, and none of us could help him. As I was about to try shouting to them, so maybe they'd drift back into reality, Valkyon managed to get between the two. I almost felt relief, but then things turned quickly. Both Lance and Ashkore began to fly higher so that they would outpace Valkyon between them. And then, when they did, they jolted towards each other, preparing for a strong, maybe even fatal attack. Both aimed for the carotid artery, and both missed. I noticed Miiko's eyes filling with terror, and also that she was shaking. She had had enough, I thought. I had to act quickly, she must not see this. I knew what I had to do. Ashkore and Lance flew at each other again, and I knew, that this time around there was no chance that both of them would miss. One, or both of them is likely to bleed out, and we will witness it all. I knew what I had to do, I had a chance to save Miiko from all of that. I had a chance to prevent her from going through such trauma. I had a chance, but I hesitated, and it was too late. The attack had happened, and both got injured. Then, everything happened so quickly.

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