5. They see me rollin' 🎵

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Ezarel POV


Ok, but seriously. This is the worst two days of my life. And Nevra's picking didn't help at all. It just made things worse. But let me start this where it began.

We visited the shops, as our mighty human "friends" suggested, but I'd rather say that we didn't have a choice at all. We were split into more groups, not our choice, again. These humans are trying to control us. That wouldn't really be a problem, since we're new to this world. But jeez, we wouldn't get ourselves killed, they should chill. We got Gina as our guide, which was like hanging out with a ghost. She just moves quiet, and she doesn't talks much. This left me with Nevra, so I had to listen to his stupidity all day. It only started to annoy me, when we looked trough the clothes which we could buy. I didn't care much about it, but he did.

"Hey Ez." Started he, with a grin. "This one suits you." He lifted up a T-shirt in front of me, which had 'I messed up' written on it. How courageous from him. "I have garlic and I'm not afraid to use it." I said simply. He grinned.

"Well, I have the skill of charisma, and I'm not afraid to use it."

"What are you going to do? Flirt with me or what?" I asked jokingly.

"If that's what you want..." Suddenly his expression changed, he looked at me disgusted. "Dude..."

"What?" I asked with wide eyes and an innocent face.

"Who the hell keeps garlic in their pockets? Or anywhere else? It's disgusting." He made all sorts of disgusted faces, and I got bored of him and the choice of clothes, so I moved to the next stock, a bit far from Nevra. I was selecting clothes peacefully, until that bastard found out that I was gone. When he found out, the idiot fucking hugged me from the behind. We had eyes on us, but gladly it only lasted for some seconds. I saw some teenage girls taking photograps. I swear, I'm going to kill Nevra if I ever see that picture anywhere. "Have I told you that you have lack of love?" I asked casually. He nodded. "Plenty of times." I raised up my eyebrow, and looked up at him. "What?" He asked.

"Don't hug me." I said, with a serious tone.

"Tssk.." He looked away a bit sullenly. Such a child.

I continued to select between clothes, and to my surprise I actually could. Nevra wasn't annoying me, no one looked at me the way they looked at me when Nevra hugged me. Simply and short: it was calming. I choosed some random clothes after trying them if they size is good, and paid with the money what Gina gave to me. Since I was done, I had a bit of free roam in the shopping centre. My freedom didn't last long, since Eweleiin found me. "Hey, Ezarel. Hi, by the way."

"Want something?"

"Yeaah, kind of."

"Kind of?" I raised up my brow.

"Yes. I'm wondering if you know what's wrong with Nevra." I rolled my eyes, and looked back at her. "What's wrong with Nevra? Well, he's stupid. That could be the problem." I said with an obvious tone in my voice. She looked at me a bit angrily, but she wasn't furious. I grinned, showing no emotion to my ex, since she could read me.

"Be more serious Ezarel, please." She said, but it wasn't really a favour, it was an order. A clear order. I rolled my eyes again, then sighed. "Alright. What's wrong?" I asked.

"He's sulky."

"That's it? He's always sulky." Eweleiin didn't respond, she just stared at me. I shrugged, when Nevra approached us.
"Hey." He said simply. He already changed into his human clothes, which was dark jeans, black shoes, and a dark grey jumper. He stuffed his hands in his pockets. He looked at the ground for a minute, and the silence grew awkward for him and Eweleiin. Suddenly Nevra looked at me. "It's your fault." He murmured, so I didn't really understand what did he say.

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