Chapter 15

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I found myself running in a long highway that seems to be endless. My mind is occupied by Tina, I couldn't think much anymore, but I know where I'm going.

About half an hour had passed before I absorbed what happened. Too dumb of me. Now, I'm running like a cheetah to catch up, but she's nowhere. I looked on every street, hoping she was just wandering, but I couldn't find her. She must be home.

I ran at my full speed, never caring on how much my legs would hurt. I never cared about anything anymore. All that matters is that I must fix everything up. It was all my fault, I shouldn't have brought her there in the first place. Now, I don't even know if she'll accept my apology. She blamed herself for everything, but it really wasn't. I blamed her before, and maybe that's the reason why she's blaming herself right now. Again, it's my fault.

I knocked on her door, hoping her parents are nowhere, if they're inside, they must be killing me right now for making their princess cry. I knocked, panicking, making it as loud as hell. I waited for some more minutes, panting, shaking, scared. The scare faded away after she opened the door. I quickly stood up and hugged her.

"Come inside." She said in a blank manner. I noticed that her eyes were as red as tomato, and her mascara ruined. I know I ruined her mascara before, but in a nice way. Now she's suffering because of my shit. What's with blaming oneself?

I came in as instructed. Luckily, no one was there, except her. I can still feel my joints trembling as I climbed the stairs to her room. My legs hurt, but I don't care. I came here to fix everything up so no time to care bout my own comfort.

We sat down on her bed. I must be saying sorry right now, but there's something in the back of my mind telling me to reserve it for later. She has her palms covering her eyes as she let out a few sobs. I rubbed my hand on her back to comfort her.

"Tina, I-I'm sorry. It was all my fault, I shouldn't have brought you there." I stuttered due to nervousness. "I'm being a dick for bringing you there. Sorry Tina." I looked at her with a hopeful expression, hoping she would forgive me. But, all I got is a blank expression. "Tina, I really am sorry. Kick me in the ass now, punch me, slap me. Look, you don't have to blame yourself. Like I told you, and line you've told me, It wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself huh?"

I got a feeling that it would be hard convincing her.

"Look Calum, it really was my fault, it was me that needs to say sorry- " "But Tina, it really wasn't your fault. Let's forget everything about that." I cut her off.

"Forget everything? Calum! She is your girlfriend. And you want to forget everything? And besides, I stile you from her. I did too much to her and she must be really mad at me."

"Tina, I told you it wasn't your..."

"Stop! I really know it was my fault! I was the reason why she died right? Just stop. " She's yelling at the top of her lungs.

"Tina. I-I. ." Before I could let out another word, she kissed me again. But not like before. Before it was slow and passionate, but now she's hungry as hell. I smiled hoping this would mean that she and I are fine again. She kissed me more and deeper. I was lying on her bed and she is above me. The kiss lasted a bit long and I loved this feeling. I just hope we wouldn't end up having sex tonight.

"Stay the night." She said after she pulled out. Luckily, we didn't end up having it tonight. I'm not ready yet, and I don't want to hurry things. I didn't ask her why she wants me to stay the night with her, I don't even want to. All I know is this could be the way of her telling me that we're fine again.

We slept cuddling and I could not ask for more. Girls are weird.


I woke up next to her. She's asleep on my chest, smiling in content. I don't want to wake her up. I am more than contented in seeing her happy in my arms. Hoping not to wake her up,I fumbled my fingers through her hair. I like the way her hair falls down freely on her shoulder. They say that when you're in love, you appreciate every single thing about the person you're in love to. And that's what I'm experiencing right now. I kissed her head while I play with her hair.

After some while, she woke up, opening her eyes gracefully. I was about to greet her a good morning, but she kissed me again. Fuck. I'm getting used to it.

"I would miss this." She said, letting a few tears from her eyes. Why?

"What do you mean?" I asked her, thinking of what should I comprehend.

She breathed in deeply, making her chest move up.

"I'm breaking up with you."

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