Chapter 15

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So from here it's gonna jump through the kids years of growing up until they're in college.

3 years later:
After Lane got over the shock of Zack leaving her and started spending a lot of time with Finn her and Finn started dating they took it slow but have both helped eachother along the way with his twins and her twins. They've got an exciting crazy deep love which is something neither one of them have ever experienced. They moved in together recently and things are heating up, Finn and Lane also decided Lane should stay home with the 4 kids. Zack has only seen the boys four times in the last 3 years. Logan and Rory enjoy every minute of being parents and are trying for their second. Rory changed professions to be able to stay home more and now writes free lance and is working on a book series. She also watches all the kids whenever she's needed. Lorelai is pondering expanding the inn and her and Luke have decided that three kids is plenty. April is about to graduate high school. All the friends are still very close.

"Are you sure you don't mind keeping Will while we are in New Mexico?" Lorelai asked as she finished packing hers and Luke's things. "Of course I'm sure mom you and Luke need to go and be at April's graduation and besides, Will loves playing with the other kids I mean seriously there is 6 other kids in Hartford to play with." Rory laughed as she thought about how crazy her house has been lately. "Oh right how's that Finn and Lane thing going? She moved in almost 6 months ago right?" Lorelai asked intrigued by the pair. "Yes they're great together with their four kids, but that's not even the craziest Hartford news right now Robert has moved his girlfriend of a year and a half in with him finally and I'm pretty positive she's pregnant." Rory said. "Oh wow, how you feeling about that hun?" Lorelai asked looking mock sympathetic. "I'm fine mom." Rory laughed not understanding her mother's joke at first. "Well I just figured with the love affair you two shared in college." Lorelai said trying to contain her laughter. "Ugh mom you know that was just to get to Logan ugh it was Finns birthday party." Rory laughed at her mom's immaturity. "Okay so you have Wills stuff for the week he has his blanket and his teddy bear right he won't sleep without them." Lorelai rambled as she was saying bye to them. "I've got everything mom he's in good hands with me and Logan." Rory said as she hugged her mom. "I love you mommy and daddy." Will said as he hugged Lorelai and Luke. "Don't worry I'll have fun with sissy." Luke and Lor head out and Rory loads Will into his Carseat next to Elias.
"Logan we're home." Rory called as she walked in with the two boys. "Hey Ace I just ordered pizza for dinner." Logan said as he kissed her on the cheek. Rory sent the kids to go play while she sat down by Logan. "So I think we might finally have something to do with that empty room upstairs." Rory laughed. "Oh yeah what you got in mind Ace?" Logan asked. "Logan, I'm pregnant." Rory smiled. "Oh my God Ace that's amazing." Logan gushed. 

"I can't believe the boys are already going to 1st grade!" Rory said as her and Lane were out shopping for school supplies and clothes for Steve and Kwan. "I know it's insane, how's the pregnancy so far? You just hit 3 months right?" Lane asked. "Its so different from Eli I've been so sick I felt like death until about a week ago. I'm hoping it's a girl this time so we can call it good on kids." Rory laughed as she answered and then asked "So how are you and Finn?" "Oh we're good we're real good, and as crazy as it sounds I like taking care of 4 kids all the time it keeps me busy and I've even been practicing some new songs." Lane smiled as she talked and Rory could tell how happy she was. "That's awesome Lane, I love that you and Finn are both so happy." Rory smiled at her life long best friend.

3 months later Robert and his girlfriend Stacy had a little girl named Lilly Anne, a year later they got married.

6 months later Rory and Logan welcomed their Daughter, Emmaleigh Victoria Huntzberger.

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