Chapter 16

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4 years later:
(Kids ages)
Steve and Kwan: 10
Will: 9
J.B. and Abi: 8 1/2
Elias: 8
Jade: 7 1/2
Lilly: 4
Emmaleigh: 3 1/2

Lane married Finn 2 years ago and had the full Kim approval. Steve and Kwan have been calling Finn dad since then and only hear from Zack on birthdays and Christmas. J.B. and Abi have called Lane momma since they were toddlers. Lane has started writing commercial jingles and is enjoying it more than she thought she would. Rory and Logan stopped with the 2 kids and are very happy with their decision Rory has published 4 books and is one of the most popular free lance writers for the Hartford Courant, New York Times and Boston Globe. Logan enjoys working but always makes sure Rory and the kids come first. Lorelai bought the old Independence Inn and paid for the remodeling and work that needed to be done to it since it hadn't been touched since the fire, she tried to keep as much of it as possible. It is now the Independence Spa and relaxation Inn which is a full service Spa that offers extended stays and day services. Luke is still Luke he runs the diner and spends family time with Lorelai and Will. April came back with Luke and Lorelai after graduation after she announced to them and Anna that she was going to Yale. She's now in her senior year and engaged to Steven. After she graduates she plans on going to medical school. Colin and Becky enjoy having just their little princess and spoil her rotten. Robert and Stacy are happy with just their Daughter right now but have both mentioned they wouldn't mind adding a boy in the future.

"Ace, Ace, where you at?" Logan called excitedly as he came in the house. "Quiet down I'm right here and Em is napping." Rory responded as she walked out of the study. He kissed her passionately. "What's that for?" She laughed as she pulled away breathless. "Well I just closed a big deal and it means big things for us." He answered. "What are you talking about?" She asked puzzled. "Okay so the publishing company that has been publishing your books 'Lighthouse Publishing' has been in negotiations with HPG for a few months, I hadn't mentioned it because I figured it wasn't that big of a deal. Well today we ended up closing on a merger with them and Mitchum and the owner of L.P. Ross think it would be a good idea for you to do a small book tour just here in the region to promote your new book. It was hilarious we are sitting in this meeting and he's going on and on about one of his best authors "Rory Gilmore" and how he wants to get her on board with a small book tour and Mitchum agreed it's a great idea and I start laughing and tell him that I need to be honest with him but that I agree it would be great and then I just tell him that's my wife. It didn't change his opinion and he asked if I could talk to you so here I am." Logan rambled on and on. "So first let me tell you my Gilmore ways are definitely rubbing off on you, you can almost talk as fast as me now, and second as long as me being your wife didn't sway the decision what so ever I'd be happy to do a small book tour." Rory smiled widely as she answered her amazingly proud husband.
"So you and Logan will be traveling to Boston, New York City, New Haven, Philadelphia, and Providence, all within a two week period?" Lorelai asked curious of her daughter's news. "Yes and it works perfectly it'll be right after summer starts here in a few weeks and me and Logan are both going so we get to take the kids with us and we get to make a little mini vacation out of it." Rory exclaimed. "I'm so proud of you and Luke will probably hit the wall he already keeps all of your books at the diner on display." Lorelai laughed.

3 weeks later Rory, Logan and the kids left on her book tour and in each town Logan and Rory made sure to do something with the kids too. They went sight seeing and shopping and amusement parks and a baseball game. It was 2 weeks they would never forget.

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