Chapter 10

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After all the excitement from the day before, finding out they were pregnant, telling Lorelai and Luke and pretty much everyone else in Stars Hollow (thanks to Lor being a loudmouth when she's had a few to many) Rory was exhausted. "Ace, Ace, I know you want to sleep all day but we have to make the rounds before Emily, Mitchum or Shira find out from someone else, I asked Honor to meet us at the house at 5 for dinner so we have the afternoon to tell Emily and Richard." Logan woke Rory. "Okay I'm getting up." She grumbled as she stepped out of bed, she went in the bathroom and got ready. "Okay let's go." Rory said and they headed out the front door. They drove over to Emily and Richard's house. Knock knock. "Rory, logan to what do we owe this pleasure?" Richard asked as he walked in from the study. "Well let's sit and find out." Emily answered him. "Okay, Grandma, Grandpa we have some pretty fantastic news. We are going to be parents!" Rory said happily. "Oh my God that's fantastic news!" They both said excitedly as they went over to Rory and embraced her in a similar way to what they did when she told them she was going to Yale. They ate lunch there with Emily and Richard and then headed to the Huntzbergers. Honor arrived just minutes before they did. "Honor? Where is Josh and Joclyn?" Logan asked curiously.
"Well Logan you haven't been around the family much lately, so you don't know but I am only here for you and Rory. Me and Josh haven't came around mother and father since Joclyn was born after father made drunken comments to Josh about him not being good enough for me." Honor replied. "He did what? These people are horrible." Logan said. "So how far along are you?" Honor looked at Rory. "Logan you already told Honor I told you I wanted to help you tell her." Rory scolded. "Oh no he didn't tell me I just figured that's the only way in hell you would agree to come back to Huntzberger Manor, besides you're glowing!" Honor laughed. "Thank you Honor I'm about 6 weeks." Rory answered. "I see so you got pregnant on the honey moon." Honor smiled. Logan rang the doorbell and they all headed inside. "Hello Logan, Honor. It's good to see you two. Oh hello Rory I didn't see you." Shira said. "Its wonderful to see you also Shira." Rory replied in a very society voice. They continued into the dining room, Rory didn't find the house as impressive as the last time she was here. "Rory, Logan what do we owe this pleasure?" Mitchum asked as he downed his glass of scotch which was very obviously not his first.  "We just wanted to have dinner and give you some news." Rory responded nicely. "Oh Fuck you do realize once you get them pregnant the divorce is damn near impossible don't you Logan!" Mitchum said slurring. "Dad that is not okay for you to say!" Logan yelled back. Shira looked like she was going to break down in tears. "Mom? are you okay?" Honor asked concerned. "No, God dammit I'm not okay!" She yelled. "Shira I'm sorry that you and Mitchum aren't hap..." Rory started. "No Rory i may not think that you are the best for Logan but he's made his decision and I can accept that, truth be told I love the fact that you're pregnant I can't wait for another grandchild and Honor honey I need to be a bigger part in Jocelyns life." Shira interrupted Rory. "But I am done with your drunken bullshit Mitchum!  Either you sober up or I take you for everything you've got in court and you better damn well know that I will prenup or not you've committed adultery more times than I can count." She turned to Mitchum and let him have it. "Wow well you know our news we're gonna get going." Logan announced and helped Rory and Honor out of their chairs and to the front door. "Well all family knows now." Rory laughed as we drove home.

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