Connor x reader x will pt 1

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Requested by @tavwhitehawk
You smiled brightly at your two best friends Connor Stoll and Will Solace. You sat between them at the campfire your arms wrapped around them as you laughed your butt off.
Little did you know they were giving you the most loving and endearing looks. Thy glared at each other when you weren't looking though. Suddenly the horn was blown and Chiron bounded into sight a smile on his face.
"Campers we are having a special celebration tomorrow evening. (G/p) will be visiting camp tomorrow and we will be throwing a banquet/ball. I want you all to be on your best behavior alright." Campers nodded all around and some of the girls began planning on what dresses to wear.
-------later that evening.------
You were getting ready for bed when you heard a knock on you cabin door. You opened it to see Connor holding a bouquet of (f/f). You invited him in and you both sat on your bed. "(Y-y-y/n) will you go to tbe ball with me?" You smiled as a slight blush rose in your cheeks.
You were to tickled to speak so you nodded. Little did you know Will stood heart broken with a bouquet of flowers in his arms as he saw the two of you through the window.
"I-I should probably get going. Curfew is almost here so........see you tomorrow." And with that he left.
---------------the following night--------
You had decided to wear long flowing (f/c) dress with silver heals. You were so excited for this that you were ready to squeal.
You had danced the night away with Connor and he even kissed you which made you blush darker than a sunburn.
As you went off to hang out with some of your friends Connor found his way to the punch bowl and as the fates would have it so was Will. He stared at you with your friends a wistful expression on his face. "Y-y-you're not mad I asked out (y/n) are you?" Connor questioned.
"No actually I'm not."
"Really......why not?"
"Because (y/n) is happy.. And if you make her happy then I'm ok with just being friends." Will said quietly
Connor didn't know what to say so he just slowly nodded as they both watched you wearing that beautiful smile of yours.

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