3. Up, up, and away we go

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"Fate isn't a promise. Destiny isn't a choice. Years ago there was a prophecy that foresaw a war; but the war won't be the end of us. Transcendents don't believe in the silly stuff. Who could blame them, really? They believe in facts and evidence. A realist in my opinion. Yet they believe in prophecies. A new age is upon us. People are going to settle with whoever is stronger. Darwinism. Listen, Fidel Castro, although a dictator, once said, 'A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past.' Either we will relive the events of the past or surpass them in the future – there is nowhere in the world where both can survive. Frederick Douglass said, 'If there is no struggle, there is no progress.' Things will get tough. You'll get stronger."

- Transcendent Book of Life

"How are you feeling?" asks Eddie as he silences the music in the car. With my world going up in flames, a secret family history coming to light, and people out to take me out – I'd say that I feel slightly less than satisfactory. Pissed off is putting it politely. "Uhm, I'm feeling better than can be expected."

"No, that's not what I mean. Well, yes I mean that too. Em, how are you feeling about the baby?" A minor bump in the road. Quite literally. How am I feeling about being a mother at 18? A teen mom nonetheless with the baby daddy about to head off to college. My role models are none-existent. This is not the time to be bringing a baby into a world. A world that is slowly crumbling around me like the ancient ruins. It's mad. How can I even register the emotions I am feeling? Indignant. Blue. Muddled. Ecstatic. Petrified. Nauseous. Revulsion.

A baby is a baby nonetheless. I had a plan. Get through high school, move far away, graduate college; establish a relationship, date for a few years; get married and then add on the bambinos. A baby before I'm out of high school is absolutely, the worst thing that could happen to me; at a time like this. Eddie continues to blab on about protecting me and the baby; and the grin on his face tells me he is happy – but am I? Not really. "Yeah. We're not going to talk about this."

"Em, you can't be serious? You need to go to the doctors and figure out how far along you are and ---."

"And get poked and prodded by some people in white coats that I don't trust? Eddie, I don't want this. Any of it. This isn't what I signed up for. Right now, I have to figure out how to gain numbers in Transcendents – not discuss and argue about prenatal plans."

Slamming on the breaks, I almost lunge out of my seat; before jolting my neck around in his direction. "Are you trying to kill me and your child?" Clutching my stomach, I just give him a dark glower; before unfastening my seatbelt and ripping the door open. "Go to hell." Without thinking, he takes off like a bat out of hell; a place I never thought I'd be alone in.

I'm back to square one; except circumstances have changed. There's a war. I'm having a baby. My mother is older than she lets on; and I'm alienated from Eddie for the time being. One thing that has stayed as a constant is I'm alone on this planet; in this town; fighting everyone's battle. Why couldn't I get stuck in the party scene like a normal teenager? Worry about teen pregnancies and the latest fashion trend? This isn't fate. Surely, it's not my destiny.

The world has a bone to pick with me – because of my past history. I didn't follow the rules. How was I supposed to know at a tender age that I had certain 'rules' to live by; when my whole existence was based on a lie? A branch suddenly snapped in the near distance startling me back to the real world. "Please don't run away from me again. It didn't end too kindly last time. All I ask is for you not to scream." Exclaims the dark-haired, mystery guy that I have had visions about; the same guy who killed me in my so-called dream with a bullet to the head. It's a no-brainer. Run. My legs on the other hand had a mind of their own.

"I don't know you. How can I trust you?" I snap with a quizzical expression etched onto my face.

"You can't."

"Great. I'm going to die."

"Listen. I didn't come here to hurt you. What do you want to know?"

Bending down, I snatch a stick in my hand and point it at him. "Your name for starters? What are you? Why your fascination for following me? Also, an answer to why I had a vision that you killed me?"

"Quite inquisitive aren't you?" says the guy as he gestures for me to set the stick on the ground; for safety reasons. "I'm Kristopher. Most people call me Kris. Uh, I am a Cur."

Loosening my grip on the stick, I probe "A Cur?"

"A half-blood? A hybrid? Not 100 percent something. I am half-Transcendent and half hell-hound. Not any relation to werewolves. You are a leader, Emma. The prophecy is real."

"There's different creatures out there. What's your spin on the prophecy?" I ask as I toss the stick aside and stare into his dark, coffee eyes. He didn't seem frightening anymore. Wiping my hands on my dress; I wait his response under the silver of the moon; as if a glint of moonstone glazed over us.

Shaking his head, he returns with "You're not trusting are you? Anyways, the prophecy always talked about the lonely girl and how she'd be forgotten; but that's not the case anymore. Lonely girl is fated across the stars to save all creatures. Connected by the sun, the moon, and the truth – a godsend truly. A transcendent that shares attributes of all parties involved. Emma, you were never the lonely girl – the misunderstood one – but never lonely. My grandmother once said, 'The misunderstood girl is an angel sent from above; with the gift of insight.' That's you."

An angel.

A celestial being.

A Telestic finding.

A transcendent of all things. Unless the prophecy is talking about this unborn child. The more and more I continue to learn about Willoughby and the creatures walking amongst us. Crazy to think that a year ago – none of this seemed possible. What if this child I am carrying is the real savior? Maybe I am holding onto hope that it isn't me? That I won't be labeled as an angel.

"Did my information catch you off guard?"

"Yes. You never answered why I thought you'd be my undoing."

"Sometimes you can't read too much into visions. Let them be a guideline. Well, I will let you go. Wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea? You know how kids are these days –always gossiping about the next big thing. Oh, and it's definitely you. Your child is an unforeseen blessing. Sorry, I can read minds and you've been absent-minded for a hot second." Smiles Kris the Cur as he embarks down the road into the bitter darkness.

Darkness. Something I used to run to with open arms. Now it seems foreign to me. Yet another secret this town drowned me in; but it will stop. I made a vow to myself and I will make it again for my child: I, Emma Caroline Kolding promise to uncover all the secrets and lies this town has to offer for better or for worse – as I long as I am a Transcendent – till death do us part. In this moment, I embraced motherhood and all the blessings that followed – and life couldn't look grander. Up, up, and away we go on a secret seeking journey. Let's beat the darkness a.k.a. The Delphians at the same time.

With that, I dug my hands in the pockets hidden in my dress and strolled down the road towards a better future. My future.

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