13. The missing, the sad, and the critically insane

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"It is time that we reveal the name of the prophet. The ultimate Transcendent who has Omnikinesis. Your next leader. The savior. She will go by many names; but her name is Emma. A blue angel whose main goal is getting justice for people who were wronged. Only fatal flaw is her pushing people away. Rule number six is: Find her. Protect her. Guide her. William Shakespeare said it perfectly when he said, "It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves." It's not written in our stars, but our DNA. Her DNA. Long ago, there was this prophecy that a blue angel would live amongst the ghost before stepping up to the challenge as a leader. She's the very definition of a Telestic Find. Also a quote from Buddha reads, "Do not dwell in the past; do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." I find that quote extremely moving as it is rule number seven. If you worry about things from the past, you'll never be able to move on. If you focus only on the future – you'll miss the magic happening now. Sophocles says, "Wisdom outweighs any wealth." If you use your gifts and intelligent – then you will win this war. If you don't – then you'll either be: missing, sad, or critically insane. Follow the rules, dear Transcendent. It is your only hope."

- Transcendent Book of Life

"Look what we've found." Says Mikey as he pulls out three, leather-woven, gold-lining, and ancient-looking books from his army green bag. A group of us pile over towards him and wait for him to explain. "I went to our local registry and searched for who the founding families were. There was about six families: Kolding, Radcliffe, Blackwood, Stevens, Bloom, and Barringer. The other few original family names couldn't be found; which means that we have a total of eight books to collect – and we have half that."

"Whose books did you find?"

"Radcliffe. Bloom. Blackwood."

Curiosity sparked a fire in me. So, the book we've been reading has been mine? Will it give us a detailed prophecy instead of this half-ass-beat-around-the-bush-and-pretend-it-does-not-exist-shit? Woven over my face was a cunning grin with an evil glare as I fixated on Mikey's words and those books. A part of our history. The dark truth. Secrets.

I craved secrets. Big and small. It was almost as if I needed them to survive. A calling card for Transcendents maybe? Secrets are a source of life and a reason for survival – yet the book says to keep them to ourselves – because in the wrong hands...our secrets can do more harm than good. A hunger that must be satisfied to keep the monster at bay.

"How'd you find Diana's, Davina's, and Jenny's books?"

"You remember my older brother, Will? Got accepted to an out-of-state-university? Two years older than Matty? Well he's married to Davina's sister, Selene – which gave him access to their library; which he loved to have big make-sessions with Selene when they were younger. Anyways, my point is he stumbled across the book and kept it to himself; until out of the blue he hands it to me. Predictable as he has the power to know things and when things will happen."

"That explains Davina's book which happens to be Volume 2 in the eight volume series. How about Diana's book?" wondered Nikki as she held the book in her hands; and then Mikey flips open D's book and points. "Emma's book had coordinates for one of the books. It led to Diana's book in which she kept in her locked, dresser drawer. One of those secret, hidden compartments, you know? Well, D forgot that she put it there; because her dear old mother forbid her to read it; and going against her mother's wishes – she swiped it from underneath her nose. Last night, I snuck into her girly bedroom and stole it." I raise an eyebrow at him as soon as he said it.

"You went into another girl's bedroom?"

"Of course you'd go there. What else is new? Yes and Jenny handed me her book the other day when you..."begins mumbling Mikey before going downright silent. Right. The day I lost my child. Losing focus of reality as I fixate on the journals; I block out the noise of their voices. What does it mention in those books that isn't mentioned in my book? Does it finally label me as the 'rightful' leader? Describe how the war will go? What does it entail? Who am I supposed to take down? Will that book tell me anything that I don't already know? Cupping my neck, I take a deep breath and play with one string of thoughts circling my mind: Will it tell me that I have to fight him of all people? That it has been him since the beginning? That he will be the death of me? Despite all my actions, I will lose everyone along the way, including myself? That the dark prophecy is underway? How to win?

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