4. To the moon and back

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"Transcendents are always drawn to the moon; despite their enemy being darkness. Opposites attract, remember. Gary Allan said, 'You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars.' Except you are both the moon and the stars. Don't forget to have morals. Values will always get you further than not caring about anything."

- Transcendent Book of Life

Inching up to the door, I clench my stomach. Images flashed before me as I dropped to my knees; holding my head up as I gasped for air. A vision? This is unlike anything I have ever experienced before. The child has multiple gifts; it's the only explanation for the agonizing pain. Instead of morning sickness – I get my child trying to kill me on the inside out? Perfect. Just perfect. They say pregnancy is a blessing in disguise. Like hell it is! The images grew stronger and stronger until I gave into them.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

It must be not even a month ahead. My hairs is a smidge longer and tied in braids; as I am running from the woods. Dirt stained my face as sweat dripped down from my forehead; like a leaky faucet. My clothes were tattered and torn and tarnished in blood – my blood. There must be something after me; because I keep turning my head around to make sure he's not behind me. Who? A Delphian? A Cur? Maybe a fallen Transcendent? A creature of the night? What is following me?

"You can't have me. I won't let you. This is my town – my empire. You want me? Come and get me; because I won't go down without a fight." I screamed as I held my stomach in pain. Something's wrong with the child. There's a lot of blood and we can't heal – or Matty would still be alive. "Ahh!" I shriek in pain as my breathing becomes heavy and rapid; as if I was having a panic attack. "No. See what you've done...Ahh!" I cry as the pain becomes almost unbearable. A miscarriage. An heir to my kingdom. Gone.

"You can't hide from us forever, Emma." Roars a loud voice; as the trees begin to shake and I'm on the ground in a pool of blood. Alone with only my thoughts to comfort me – but they weren't comforting me in the slightest bit. "Eddie..." I gasped before the darkness caved in on me. Was I dead? Maybe. Did I want to be? Absolutely. As for my child – I have lost him or her.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Oh my god. Not even a month into this ordeal and the world is going to force a miscarriage on me – that's dark even for them. The door in front of me opens up and pulls my unusually heavy body inside. "Emma, what happened?"

"Like you care? My feet are as fat as a Jabba the Hutt. As for my heart, it's racing like a jalopy in a race. Moments ago, I experienced a vision that I never want to physically live through. That vision can't see the light of day. Not now. Not ever. If you don't mind, I'm going to go wash off the day and then bundle up in my blanket; and read a nice book."

Holding my shoulders, I flinch in pain as I stare up into those icy eyes. "Your visions are getting stronger?" Panic rolled over him.

Rolling my shoulders, I sternly reply with a weakened voice, "Yes. Why should that matter? You heard my mother. We shouldn't be worrying about who has more power. What we should be focusing on is how to find them; and bring them in safely."

"What was your vision about?"

"What's the point, Eddie? It's physically and mentally painful. This time I didn't see my death... I saw the death of..."

"Our child." Gasped Eddie as he looks down at my stomach; his eyes watering and his nose wrinkling. Loosening his grip on me, I place my hand over his heart and say, "I won't let it happen. The Delphians can't know I'm pregnant. No one can know. They know if they target us first, that we will retaliate with mayhem. That can't happen. As long as there is a moon and a sun and stars to guide us – luck will remain on our side. This is our family; and I swear on my life I will defend it. No one gets to take out one of my kind and get away with it. To the moon and back remember?" Suddenly the throbbing returns and I'm digging my nails into his chest thus ripping his shirt. The more intense it got, the deeper I dug my nails into his skin until the blood was smeared all over my fingers. "I can't fight it." I screamed as the pain intensified. "Don't. Embrace your power, Em." Cries Eddie as he bites his lip; holding back the tears. "This is killing you."

"I'd rather die knowing you and the baby are safe. Ahh! Ugh! What's your vision?" screams Eddie as he falls to his knees.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

I'm still running. No surprise there. The sky looks iridescent under the moonlight. The wind howled against the trees; as I duck in and out of the woods. Nothing is going to catch me now. It's bloody hot and humid out – and my hair continues to stick like syrup against my forehead. Pushing the hair out of my face, I stumble in the dirt. Get up. Don't let these things beat you. You're better than this. Emma, get your ass up and go. You've already lost too much to die. Oh, but I want to die and be with my child. No, you don't. Fight. Stand up and run. He's coming. Birds circle the moon like pray before diving to their death towards me. "Emma! Run! Keep running. We'll keep them off of your back." Shouts Nikki. Why am I running in the first place? Always straying away from a fight. My legs hurt as I began to kick myself up; but I fell down again.

"Emma. Don't ever stop running. They will find you. We will protect you; but you need to run. Get all the Telestic Findings and win this war once in for all. I love you." Screams Nikki before the earth went silent. No birds singing. No crickets chirping. No gust of wind. Just me and the stars with the moon staring at me with her envious eyes. Nikki is dead. Eddie is dead. My world is gone. Why should I continue fighting a futile, never-going-to-win battle? Mikey comes charging from out of the bushes and grabs me by my arm. "We have to go. They're hot on our trail."

"Nikki's dead, isn't she?"

"We don't have time to grieve for anyone. This was always the plan. Protect you at all cost. Sorry it came down to losing the people we love." Gasps Mikey as his throat begins to tighten; with a slow intake on his breathing; and on that note I could see his eyes bleed with pain. Reaching out for his hand – we take off towards the lit tunnel as our get-out-of-jail-free-card and didn't look back.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

My hands trembled as I backed away from Eddie; blood staining my fingers. A void, detached expression brushed over my face as the comprehension of the vision had increasingly seeped in; like lava filling in the cracks of Earth's weakened crust. A moment of silence swept over the room; as I stood paralyzed in fear. No longer am I seeing my death. Shouldn't I be happy that I don't see my death anymore? That I have more to offer? Why I would I be happy? My sister and boyfriend and child will die. This sounds a lot like a prophecy I'd hear on TV while watching Reign; and listening to Nostradamus be insightful. "Emma?" uttered Eddie as he slouches over; heavy from the pain.

"If we continue down this path...everyone close to me will pay the ultimate price. I'll lose all of you starting with this child. It's a curse. Eddie, I'm no...savior or angel sent from above. We were all born ghosts and I come straight from the gates of hell."

Peering into my eyes, he cups my face and reassures me with, "Then we won't let your visions come true. It's too early to give up on all of this. If I would have given up at any sign of defeat from you – we wouldn't be standing here talking about our future. Persevere my dear. The future is out to get us – but we won't let it touch us." I scoop my hands around his neck and I kiss him as if tonight was our last kiss. It's better to love something than not love at all – but at what cost? "To the moon and back, right?"

"No matter what."

"I love you."

"I know." I breathe as I pull him up from off the ground and weeble-wobble before gaining a footing; and guide him to the bedroom.

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