Chapter 1

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Clary had always loved the smell of spring, it reminded her of summer, warmth and happiness. But now all those things seemed so far away.

It had been almost a year from her brother's death, but thinking about him still brought her pain and it hadn't gotten any easier. She could still remember the day like it was yesterday: she was alone at home, when suddenly their phone had started ringing and someone from the hospital was asking for Jocelyn Fray, her mother. Clary had felt confused and scared, she didn't know what to think. The woman had told her that her brother had been in a car crash, that he had been brought to the hospital as soon as possible and that her brother was dead. He was dead, gone and she would never see him again. Death is too final.

Clary wiped the tears that had fell on her cheeks to her sleeve and got up quickly, it was already getting dark and she should be home soon.

She started walking home from the park that she sometimes went to, just to sit there and think. Lately all her thoughts had been about her brother, Sebastian. Everytime she thought about him, she felt like she was drowning and everyone else were just standing there and watching. There wasn't an escape from her pain.

Soon she reached her house and something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. There was a moving truck parked in front of the house next to them. Someone must've moved in, since no one had been living there in months. Then she saw someone walk out and couldn't help her curiousity as she watched the door open. The person was obviously a young boy, maybe her age. Clary could see a flash of golden hair before he pulled his hood up and ran down the stairs of their porch. He seemed to notice her and turned to look at her, Clary felt her cheeks heating as she realized she had been staring like an idiot. The boy's eyes looked like they were glowing in the dim light as he looked at her, before he turned around and started running along the street.

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