Chapter 12

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The next morning Clary walked outside and squinted her eyes in the sunlight. Before she could even see clearly, she heard Isabelle calling her name.


Clary turned towards the voice and saw Isabelle waving at her. "Oh, hey. What's up?" She asked as she walked to her and Isabelle shrugged her shoulders lightly.

"Nothing interesting, I'm just waiting for Alec. Story of my life." She said and Clary laughed.

"Sounds like a lot of fun." She said with a sarcastic tone.

"I know right." Isabelle said, sounding amused and frustrated at the same time. "Come on." She said then, gesturing Clary to come over to her.

"What?" Clary asked as she climbed on the fense again, jumpping down on the ground.

"You're coming with us, of course." Isabelle said like it was obvious and Clary smiled, but shook her head.

"No, you really don't have to do anything for me. I'm fine with walking." She said, but Isabelle didn't seem too interested to hear about what she was fine with.

"Shut up, I don't wanna hear it. Of course you'll come with us. I mean it's no problem since we're going to the same place, right? Don't argue with me." She said and Clary raised her brows, trying her best to hide her amusement.

"Uhm, okay.. Thanks." She said, but Isabelle waved her off.

"Don't thank me, it's absolutely no problem." She just said and Clary nodded slowly. Then Alec walked out, twirling the car keys in his hand.

"You took your time." Isabelle said and Alec scowled at her.

"I was on the phone, get your own car so you don't always have to complain." He said and opened the door to the driver's seat.

"Yeah, I'm the one who always compla-..." Isabelle started, but Alec had already slammed the door shut. She let out a frustrated groan as she opened the door to the passanger's seat and sat down next to her brother. Clary went to the backseat and closed the door behind her.

"So, Clary. Have you lived here your whole life? Just wondering, since we just moved here." Isabelle asked as the car started moving and Clary nodded.

"Yep, my whole life." She said and Isabelle raised her brows.

"Impressive. Is it boring?" She asked and Clary shrugged as she looked out of the window, watching the familiar streets go by.

"Depends on the day I guess." She said, wondering if it made sense to anyone else.

"Well, I like it here." Isabelle said grinning and Clary smiled too.

"Me too." She said and returned her gaze back on the window.

Clary walked to her locker and Jace was already there, he always seemed to leave before Isabelle and Alec. He was sitting on the ground, leaning his back against his locker, reading a book. He raised his look from the pages as he saw Clary approaching and smiled.

"Did you come with my dear siblings?" He asked and Clary laughed, but nodded.

"Yep, they're nice people." She said and opened her locker. Jace closed his book and got up from the floor, putting it in his bag.

"Nicer than me?" He asked and Clary stopped, like she had to think about it.

"Yep." She said then and gave him a smile.

"Now that's not possible." Jace said, leaning his shoulder against his locker.

"You think you have some charming personality?" Clary asked, glaring at him and he just smiled.

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