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"No! Something more different."

"Out of all animals in the whole world, I'm supposed to guess which one are you thinking? This game is stupid." Jace said, laying down on the grass.

"No it's not, you're stupid." Clary said and Jace frowned at her but laughed. "Come on, just guess."

"I don't know, panda?"




"This really makes no sense, why can't we do something more entertaining?" Jace asked inpatiently and Clary just laughed.

"Because this is how you spend your last summer days, doing basically nothing. You're just frustrated because you still don't know what animal am I thinking." She said giggling and Jace laughed too, rolling his eyes at her.

"Whatever you say..." He mumbled. "Bird?"

"Yes! But which one?" Clary asked smirking and Jace sat up.

"What? Isn't that enough?"

"No! Which bird?"












"No, keep guessing."

Jace groaned and fell back down on the grass. "You have got to be kidding me."

"I am. It really was a penguin." Clary said laughing.

"What? All this time you were thinking of a penguin? Does it even count as a bird? It can't fly!" Jace said, but he was also laughing.

"So? They can slide. It's actually pretty amusing how they just slide on the ice." Clary pointed out, but Jace just rolled his eyes at her.

"Oh, okay." He said with a sarcastic tone and got up on his elbows. "Can we do something else now?"

"Sure." Clary said shrugging and leaned above him, looking down at him with a smirk. "You have something in mind?"

Jace let out a small laugh and smirked back at her. "Yeah, I have something in my mind." He said before he reached up, capturing her lips with his own.

Clary put her hands on his shoulders, shifting so she was sitting on his lap and Jace wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him. She smiled against his lips as they kissed and slid her hands into his hair, pressing herself harder against him. Jace fell on his back and Clary fell on top of him, laughing loudly.

"I guess this is a pretty good way to spend your last summer days too." She observed with a smile.

Jace let out a small laugh and put some of her hair gently behind her ear. "Yeah, I agree." He said before pressing a small kiss on her cheek. "Definitely better than some penguin game." He added.

"It's not a penguin game!" Clary said and sat up quickly. "It's Animal Guess! It's quite entertaining on long car rides and stuff."

Jace rolled his eyes as he sat up too, still holding his arms around Clary. "I bet it is, but my point is that we're not trapped in a car for hours, we're free as birds. We can do whatever we want and you wanna play a penguin game?"

Clary let out a frustrated sigh and pushed him back down on the grass. "It's not a penguin game!"

Jace just laughed. "Whatever, Guess The Animal then."

"Animal Guess!"

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