Chapter 15

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"Sorry about Maryse, it was kinda.. Awkward." Jace said, leaning against the doorframe and Clary laughed.

"It's fine. You don't need to apologize for that." She said and smiled up at him. "See you tomorrow."

"See you." Jace said with a slight smirk and Clary glanced at him quickly before walking down the porch stairs and walked to the yard.

"Should I walk you home?" Jace said from the door and Clary rolled her eyes at him and climbed on the fence.

"No need to, I'm halfway there." She said grinning and Jace laughed. "Besides, I'm able to walk home by myself because I can take care of myself." She continued and hardly finished her sentence when her foot slipped and she fell down from the fence to her side. "Shit." She mumbled and sat up. Jace had ran up to her kneeled down next to her, but seemed to be laughing pretty hard.

"Yes, you're perfectly able to take care of yourself. Why don't you get up from the ground and maybe go around the fence?" He said and Clary scowled at him as she wiped some grass off herself. Jace offered his hand to her and she took it, letting him pull her up.

"Thanks." She mumbled and looked down. She didn't know who was holding who's hand, but neither of them let go. She looked back up at Jace and saw him staring down at her, his golden eyes alert and curious. Clary felt like some force was pulling her closer to him, so she stepped closer, only a little. Jace seemed a bit surprised, but he leaned closer to her too and soon they were so close that she felt his warm breath against her lips and closed her eyes. Suddenly Isabelle slammed the front door open and walked out, pulling a trash bag after her. Clary and Jace basically jumpped away from each other and Isabelle didn't seem to notice anything.

"Oh, ah, uhm.. I should probably get going..." Clary mumbled and Jace nodded, looking like he was still a bit startled.

"Uhm, yeah."

Clary glanced at Isabelle. "Bye, Izzy!"

"Bye!" Isabelle yelled back and Clary glanced at Jace quickly before quickly running around the fence, deciding that she wouldn't climb it right now. She ran across her yard and quickly went inside, feeling her heart beating against her ribs. What just happened? Or what was just going to happen? What would've happened if Isabelle hadn't came? She just stood there for a while, leaning her back against the door and feeling her heart beating out of her chest.

The next morning Clary walked to her locker and saw Jace there. Her heartbeat go faster when she saw him and she cursed in her mind and told herself to forget it. She didn't know what to say or should she say anything at all, so she just walked to her locker next to him and smiled slightly. She was gonna act completely normally around him like always.

"Hey." Jace said briefly and Clary nodded slightly, still smiling.


She opened her locker, glancing at Jace who just closed his. Apparently he wasn't gonna bring up what happened yesterday, or what almost happened, and neither was Clary.

"So.. Last exams tomorrow, you have some planned strict technique to study now?" She asked grinning and Jace laughed as he leaned his back against his locker, staring in front of him as people walked past them in the hall.

"No, definitely not. I'll just do my best not to fail anything." He said, turning back to her with a crooked smile.

"Well, that's a good plan too." Clary said shrugging briefly. "I'm going with the same one." She added then with a slight grin and Jace smiled.

"Wanna study together?" He asked then, sounding completely casual.

Clary studied him for a while. "Sure, as long as you're able to keep quiet more than two secons and we don't end up in the ocean with our clothes on again." She said amused, but stared at him strictly even though she was glad he had asked, now she would have a chance to actually talk to him. Although she had no idea what exactly she could or wanted to say to him. What if she imagined the whole thing and nothing even happened? What if he just wanted to forget the whole thing and not talk about it?

"You wanna end up in the ocean without clothes on?" He asked smirking, snapping her out of her thoughts and Clary scowled at him.

"You have got to stop doing that!" She said, rolling her eyes at him. "I didn't mean that and you know it."

"Yeah, yeah. See you after school." Jace said and Clary laughed, closing her locker.

"See you."

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