Chapter 2

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Clary went home and took off her converse, they were a little damp from the wet grass she had been walking on.  She heard her mother, Jocelyn, calling her from the livingroom, but she just walked to upstairs. Clary knew that her mom was only worried about her and had been since Sebastian's death, but she still felt frustrated when Jocelyn looked at her like she was injured. She shut her room door behind her and layed down on her bed, just closing her eyes and breathing for a while. Tomorrow would be another Monday. Another Monday in a school where half of the people made fun of her and pushed her around and the other half looked at her with pity, knowing that her brother was dead. No one ever really talked to her, but she was fine with that. She didn't feel like talking to people either.  Her best friend was Simon, but he had moved away couple years ago with his dad who got transported to England with his job. Clary had stayed in contact with Simon for a long time, but lately she had just texted with him couple times in a month. When Sebastian was still alive, she had hung out with him and few of their friends, but most of them were Sebastian's friends and she had drifted away from them lately. Only this one girl Mia had still talked to her sometimes, but now she hardly even looked at Clary. She knew that she should probably feel sad about losing so many friends, but she didn't feel really anything about it. It didn't bother he anymore, only Sebastian did. He was the only reason she felt sad, scared and numb. Jocelyn was the only reason she kept putting on a smile and going on like she always had. Life wasn't so bad if you just didn't think too much, if you just didn't feel too much.

Clary shifted many times on her bed, tangling in her sheets, until she finally fell asleep. When she was asleep, was when she was happy. Nothing could possibly bother her when she was alseep and dreaming of things that made her happy.

Clary's alarm clock started ringing loudly at 7am, making her jump up from her bed. Waking up wasn't fun in any way and she even had to wake up startled because of her alarm clock that sounded like a fire alarm with too pitched sound. She ran her fingers through her hair as she sat on her bed, feeling extremely tired. She realized she was still wearing the same jeans and hoodie as she had the day before, she had just been too lazy to change before going to sleep. Clary took a deep breath and got out of her bed, opening her curtains and sighed. She squinted her eyes in the sudden sunlight, it was June and the sun was rising early and going down really late. The thing Clary was really looking forward to was summer vacation. It would start in two weeks and then she would be free from school stress and all the idiots who went to the same school. Only for two months, but it was still awesome. After that she would go to collage, but she couldn't tell was she happy about it or not.

After changing in new clothes and swinging her bag over her shoulder, Clary walked to downstairs and saw Jocelyn who was sitting at the breakfast table and reading.

"Morning." She said smiling and Clary returned the smile, not really feeling it.

"Morning." She said simply back, trying to sound happier and lighter than she felt. She poured herself some coffee and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket in the middle of the table. The fruit basket had been a gift from Clary's grandmother and Jocelyn had always hated it, but it had just stayed there. Clary guessed that it was because she didn't have anywhere else to keep the fruits or just in case grandma would stop by and she wouldn't have the energy to pretend it was broken.

"What time does your last class end today? I was wondering if you could help me at the bookstore today." Jocelyn said and Clary thought about her schedule as she finished her coffee. Jocelyn owned a bookstore across the street. It was pretty small, but the business was good since there wasn't many bookstores around. Clary liked working there and it wasn't like she would have something else to do, except walking around until she would end up in that same park again and sit there until it was dark.

"At four, I think. I'll get there straight after school." She said and smiled before getting up from her seat and picking up her bag from the floor.

"Okay, thank you, sweetie. I'll see you then." Jocelyn said also smiling and Clary nodded as she walked out of the kitchen to the front door and pushed it open. She saw that something was different immediately. The moving truck was still on the other side of the fense, but there was also another car and a girl about her age leaning against it. No one had been living in that house in a long time and Clary wasn't used to seeing someone there. The girl smiled at her like Clary wished she would have the confidence to do sometimes, just to smile at someone randomly. Without a greater reason. The girl had a long wavy black hair and her skin was pretty pale, she looked beautiful. One of those girls who people turned to look at as she passed by. She was tall and thin and wearing a simple dark purple dress, it was too girly and short for Clary to ever wear, but it looked really great on her. Clary smiled back slightly before walking away and making her way towards the place of torture that most people called school.

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