Prologue - Lemme tell you a story

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L. O. V. E.

"A simple word made up of four ordinary alphabets but it's meaning is not that ordinary. It's one short word but the deepest emotion one can feel for the other. The said word is easy to pronounce but very difficult to define. For different people it has different meanings. It doesn't happen on will, it may take time and can also happen in an instant... Give me a break!"

"You know what peeps, let's keep it simple and clear enough that it's understandable. You see this man? The man dressed in three piece suit, yeah the one who has his black hair styled perfectly, eyes the gorgeous and mysterious shade of blue with hues of green and specks of gray, and a sinful smirk adorning his lips? Oh-ho, that man people, who is looking rough and tough right now because of aristocratic features but you can tell by the look on his face that he's love-struck-pup, well love-struck-kitten type of a guy who's irrevocably in love with someone. Yeah! Yeah! That's me. Shivaay Singh Oberoi. Naam toh suna hi hoga."

"Born in a super rich and influential family, I'm the eldest, born before one artistic brother, one carefree and casanova brother and a sweet sister, me being the only one who is interested in business and stuff, handles the Oberoi business, which is quite diversified and you know what?, us, the Oberoi's rank 1 in the richest person/families of India, list."

"Just like our business, my family is quite diversified as well. Mine family is made of 14 humans, 6 dogs and 5 cats, 4 parrots, 2 fennec foxes and 1 hamster that makes a total of 32 members. You thinking, Oh yeah? And I say, Oh! Yeah. I am sure you don't want me to introduce you to each one of them, so I am gonna concentrate on the main thing for which I am here. My love story."

"What do you think the story will be like? The guy meets the girl, they fight, they quarrel but fall in love one day or the other, then comes a villain trying to tear them apart but the love always wins at the end. Well if you think that it is it, then I like to clarify that it is not."

"I actually never wanted to get married. This love stuff just wasn't it for me but still I had always hoped for a decently modern, intelligent, beautiful, calm 'n' composed, mature type girl for in case I get a life partner but what I got in my! Today when I think of the day I met her for the first time I say that was the luckiest day of my life, but back then when I met her for the first time even you would agree that it was the unluckiest of the unluckiest day of a person's life."

"And I am seriously not bragging about it. You know what she's like? A hurricane and you will believe me when you'll get to know what she did to me."

"So are you ready for it? Fasten your seat-belts then because this is going to hell of a ride."


I hope you liked the start of it. This prologue is written by my friend whose story I am going to continue from here on.

Because I am already getting 65+ votes on my other ShivIka story, I am going to set the targets for the next chapter on that basis.

How about 40+ votes as a start? Hhhhmmm so the target for the next chapter is 40+ votes which I hope you guys will help me achieve.

Thank you

Shivanshi :)

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