Chapter 08 - Date #5

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"Sometimes it takes you years to connect with someone, to become close to someone but sometimes it happens in an instant. One day it just clicks! You feel so connected and want to be so close to someone that it doesn't even matter that you had met the person a few days ago only."

"That's what happened with me and Anika. You know it still baffles me whenever I give it a thought that how could I fall for Anika in such a small time, that how and when she became the most important person in my life. In just a few days Anika became my number one priority."

"I won't say that everything changed completely, no that's not the case. But changes did happen. It's just that those particular changes in my life were limited to Anika only. I changed, yes but because of and for Anika only. Others still don't matter to me and I was and I am still the same Shivaay Singh Oberoi who cares for only his loved ones."


"And no matter how much annoying, irritating, wild, ill-mannered and stupid...AH! OUCH! YOU EVIL INHUMANE CAT! I WAS ABOUT TO SAY THAT I THINK OF YOU AS MY FAMILY MEMBER AS WELL, NO MATTER HOW MUCH...AAAHHHHH!"

********30 minutes later********

"Ahem ahem...Let's talk about mine and Anika's 5th date shall we?!"

"So, our 5th date was ruined just like our 3rd one. It was supposed to be a happy day but it turned out to be a very bad one when I got a call that my mother was in the hospital. I rushed to the hospital immediately. Fortunately, she wasn't hurt much; when she was hit by a car she fell on the soft and grassy area instead of the hard concrete road that's why the wounds on her weren't deep. Doctors kept her under supervision for a night just to make sure that she was okay."

"For my family, I am kind of a protective wall that surrounds them and protect them from every harm. In situations like this, I stand strong for my family. Keeping my emotions in check, I have taken it upon me as a duty that I have to support my family in such situations and stay strong."

"But what no one else is aware of is that I appear to be strong from outside only but from inside I am a weak man who may crumble in situations like this. I am usually the support giver but that day there was Anika with me to support him, to hold me, to comfort me and that was one turning point for us."


Anika came and stood beside Shivaay,  hooked her arm with his and entwined their fingers. She squeezed his hand tightly assuring him that she was there. Shivaay let out a sob but covered it up quickly. Anika rubbed his back softly, "Shivaay no one is here so you don't need to pretend to be strong."

"It's nothing like that." Shivaay replied but his tone was too weak as compared to his statement. Anika smiled and hugged him sideways, "You know you don't need to pretend in front of me. Hadn't I told you that we will face every fear, every problem together? I know that you act  to be strong in front of your family, that you behave calm and composed just to support your family physically, mentally and emotionally and it isn't wrong but you have to let out your vulnerable side once in a while, it is wrong to bottle up all your emotions."


"Shivaay, crying isn't for weak instead it shows that you have emotions, that you can feel others pain. I know that it scared you that you might lose your mother and you are hurting still, so hey.." she placed her hand on his cheek on tilted it so he was now facing her, "You are allowed to feel these emotions, understand? Want a hug?" she spread her arms wide for him and he immediately engulfed her in a bear hug. His arms wrapped around her waist pulling her close to him, as close as possible. He laid his head on her shoulder, burying her face in her hair, inhaling her sweet scent. That day Shivaay Singh Oberoi cried on a woman's shoulder.


"For once I could be all soft and vulnerable and it really felt good to let it all out. That day I realized what Anika meant to me, that she's true to her words and will be there with me always."

"I won't say that I realized that I loved Anika that night, the thing is that I knew that I had fallen for her way before. It's just that, that night I realized that Anika had become the most important person for me. Think about it yourself, I, Shivaay Singh Oberoi who's known for his capabilities and can conquer the world if I want. A man like me who stays strong no matter what, who only knows how to win, the man who can win the whole world if I want."

"And there is this one person in front of whom I fall weak, in front of whom I can let out my vulnerable side, the one person against whom I can never win. My Anika."

"You know it reminds me of that particular sentence from that Bollywood movie song;"

saari duniya se jeet k main aaya hoon idhar, tere aage hi main haara kiya tune kya asar

"So think about how much close Anika had become to me in a matter of few days only."

"The next day we brought Mom back home and Anika stayed by my side all this while. Dadi, Omkara, Rudra, and Priyanka knew about my relationship with Anika but my other family members didn't. And even though I didn't introduce Anika as my girlfriend that time but Mom, Dad, Bade Papa and Badi Maa, all four of them got really suspicious about it but didn't show."

"I got to know about it later on. I was told that they knew that Anika was no friend of mine but much more than that and that they knew about it all along because well, they saw it in my eyes, they noticed how I behaved around Anika, so they knew that Anika was the person I was in love with."

"We spent our 5th date in the hospital. Anika had thought that the next day, the day of our 6th date and the same day when we brought Mom back home, she had thought to reschedule our date. But I surprised her by arranging our 6th date."

"After making sure that Mom was settled and being taken care of, I made arrangements for Anika and mine's 6th date about which I will tell you later on. Tomorrow maybe if the conditions given below are satisfied."

"Now that reminds me that our journey together is about to come to an end...aaaawww."


We would have updated this earlier as we had already written all the chapters and had them saved as drafts but we had some unavoidable issues to deal with. And yes, it's true that we have the remaining chapters of this story penned down already.

Only 1 more chapter (the 6th date one) and 1 epilogue are left to update, making it 2 more parts to be updated.

So for the next chapter, can you please give 60 votes and 5 comments to this chapter??!!!


Thank you

Shivanshi & Meli (Megha)

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