Chapter 01 - And then we met

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Flashbacks are in italics!


"Hey guys! It's good to see you back here. Hhhmm, so are you ready for the ride? I mean are you ready to know about my story, my life that was turned into a good type of mess by one crazy hurricane? I guess you are. *wink* *wink*"

"So it started exactly 2 years ago when I was on my way to my Lonavala office for an important meeting but because of different plans that my fate had in store, my car broke down in mid and my driver had to go search for a mechanic because well it was quite secluded area. And while my driver was away and there wasn't a living soul around, my phone rang up."

"That time I cursed though but if you ask me now then I would say that that ring was a way of my fate informing me that someone is coming to ring the bells of my heart. FHAT THE WUCK! That sounds ridiculous! Let's just concentrate on the main thing. So what happened is.." 


"Bloody hell! Did he have to call now? Since morning only bad things are happening and this is turning out to be the worst day of my life." Shivaay rubbed his forehead thinking about the meeting that he needed to attend. He was already late because of the weather and now his car broke down in the middle of nowhere and that damn driver! It's been 30 minutes that Shivaay was standing on the road alone.

His phone rang once again, it was his manager who was already at the Lonavala office, "Hello." Shivaay answered the call but because of bad signal he couldn't hear anything from the other side.

"Hello??" he tried walking around trying to find good signal range but failed badly. Disconnecting the call he once again tried to find a better signal range area so he could call his manager and inform him that he will be late for the meeting.

Unaware of his surroundings Shivaay walked here and there in anger. He even forgot that the soil around was now wet, muddy and extremely slippery because of the heavy rains and that is why he slipped.

Shivaay lost his footing and fell down the cliff but fortunately he got a thick branch of a tree to hold on. Hanging from that branch Shivaay's situation was that of a person swinging between life and death.


"It was scary as hell! You will understand when you will fall into a situation like that."

"I called out for help but no one came, I was close to completely loosing my hold but then she came like an angel."

"Dressed in a white dress, her black hair open she really looked like an angle but then...she opened her mouth and..."


"I don't understand why people don't care about their lives and people connected to them! Why can't they face their problems? Suicide is not an only option." Anika sat on her knees not caring about her dress. Right now she needed to focus on the man who had just tried to commit suicide but was now looking scared.

"Uh! Excuse me. I think you are mistaken.." Shivaay tried to say something but was interrupted, "You Mr. are so gorgeous." She said and even while hanging between life and death, Shivaay blushed.

"You look handsome, just like some GQ model, aristocratic features, i-wanna-run-my-hands-through type of hair, you eyes - so mysterious and enchanting and you look rich as well. Then what's the problem, why did you try to commit suicide? Girlfriend problem?"

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