Chapter 02 - And then we met again and again

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Flashbacks are in italics!


"Back again hhhmm. Nice."

"So did you like the way we met? Wasn't that romantic? You know our second meeting was more romantic because it was when that I fell...."


Using the ever present first-aid kit in her scooty's storage box Anika carefully treated Billu's wounds and then wrapped the bandage around his leg and then started with her journey back home again. She couldn't think of a better name for the cat that she and that stranger had rescued, Billu was perfect for the blue eyed cat who quite resembled the stranger she had met.

She recalled Mr. Stranger's looks and wondered how he would look if he were a cat. Fair complexion and contrasting black hair will make the black and white fur, the pink color of his lips matching perfectly with the pink color of the cat's nose and not to forget both Mr. Stranger and the cat they rescued had the same color eyes! The name Billu was perfect for both of them, the man as well as the cat.

She chuckled lightly but her happy mood soon turned bad as her scooty ran out of fuel and just stopped working. It was already late and the sky had turned dark. As if it wasn't enough, just few minutes later it started raining. Cursing her luck, Anika dragged her scooty and parked it under a tree. She then picked up Billu in her arms and ran in the direction of the nice looking cottage.

"Uncle, can you please let me in?" she asked the old watchman.

"I am sorry bitiya but the owner is not here as of now and I can't let you in just like that." The watchman replied kindly.

"Uncle it's only a matter of few hours. See it's already dark and it is raining as well and you know how cruel this world is, how a young girl like me can stay safe in such a situation. Please Uncle, I promise I will leave as soon as the rain stops. Please." Anika blinked multiple times dramatically, making puppy dog eyes.

The watchman smiled and let Anika in. She thanked him and went inside. Fortunately the fridge was stocked and the kitchen had all the necessary things she needed to prepare a nice meal. She boiled the milk for Billu and added bits of chappatis in it. For herself she prepared veg lasagna which she ate to her heart's content and then went to sleep.

Few hours later a new watchman came and replaced the previous one as they worked in shifts. This watchman wasn't aware that Anika was inside so when Shivaay came to stay at his cottage for a night, he wasn't aware that Anika was already inside.

Due to heavy rain the electricity power shut off and it was quite dark when Shivaay entered inside. The squeaking noise made by the doors was enough to wake up Anika who thought that a thief had entered inside. So she slowly picked up a vase from the bedside table and walked out of the room. She noticed a silhouette of a man and thinking that he was a thief, she hit him on the head that made him fall unconscious.

With herculean effort, she tied the heavy man on a chair and ran outside to call the watchman, "Thief...inside...unconscious...vase..." Anika muttered out as she panted hard. The watchman was surprised to see a woman coming out of the cottage so he asked, "Madam who are you?"

Anika placed a hand over her heart and took in few deep breaths, she then noticed the new watchman, "Who are you? And where is the uncle ji who was here earlier."

"My name is Shambhu and I am the night time watchman here. Now tell me who you are and what are you doing here?" asked the watchman.

"Shambhu ji I came here to take shelter for the night because it's dark and it's raining and it's not safe for a young woman like me no. So the uncle ji who was here before you came let me in. Now can you please help me! Actually there is a thief inside, I hit him with a vase and have tied him to a chair but can you please help and inform the police?"

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