Telling the parents ❤️

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Ariana POV
"Baby" I shake Mac as his grip on me was uncomfortable. "Baby what's wrong" he asks concerned "I'm uncomfortable like this" I say and he ungrips me and I smile.

"I think we should tell our family" I mutter "you sure" he asks and I nod "I want to tell my mum but your mum is in Pittsburgh" I sigh "I could go and visit her, it's her birthday in a couple of days so I could stay for her birthday" he suggests and I nod "only if your alright being separated for a few days" he says and I nod "Ariana a nod isn't a answer, I won't go unless you are happy for me to go" he reply's "how long for" I ask "4 days max" he says "that's fine as long as you call me everyday" I ask and he nods. "Of course" he says and I nod.

This was going to be the hardest time apart ever. "Baby you don't want me to leave" he says rubbing my back "it's your mums birthday go and have fun with her, you don't really get to see her" I say and he nods.

"Wait Mac why are you leaving" Freya barges into the room "Freya how many times do I have to tell you to stop coming in my room and listening to my conversations" I sigh. "Sorry but why are you going" she asks "it's my mums birthday and we're telling parents" Mac says and she nods leaving the room.

I sigh "Baby" Mac says gently. "She's only concerned" he says and I nod. I give him a kiss "can you make love to me before you go" I ask nervously "of course I will" he smiles.

Freya POV
I feel like Ariana's pregnancy hormones are worse than mine were. I sigh as I hear her. God them too are so unpredictable.

They come down about 2 hours later. Mac is ready with his passport and dressed and Ariana is fixing her hair. I smile at them both and they smile back.

"Freya are you coming with me to mums" Ariana asks and I nod "please" I reply and she nods "go and get ready with Ava"she says and I nod.

I get changed fist and I walk into Ava's room and smile. I gently pick her up and get her changed and pout. 2 more weeks and my baby will have this bandage off her leg.

Ariana POV
I help Freya fasten Ava in and we drive to the airport. "Freya I'll be back in minute" I say and she nods. I get out the car with Mac and we walk into airport.

"Ariana I want you to call me about anything" he says "I will" I say wrapping my arms around his neck. "I don't care if it the middle of the night just call me" he says and I nod "baby don't worry about me have a good time with your mum" I say and he nods. I lean up and kiss his lips before watching him leave through departures.

I feel sad but I was happy. I ignore the crowd which were asking for photos. "Ariana" the most adorable little voice was heard and I turn around and smile.  I bend down to her height "what's your name" I ask "Lila" she smiles "that's a very nice name" I smile. "It's my birthday" she smiles "happy birthday Lila" I say. I look up to her mum and she smile and I smile as I realise it was the nurse that saw me the other day. "Can you sing to me" she asks "Lila Ariana's busy" her mum says "no no it's fine" I smile. I sing to her and everyone around cheered. I gave her a big hug and walk off to my car.

I drive to mums and she was happy to see us both. "Mummy I have something to tell you" I smile, she comes over and stands by me "you might wanna sit down" I say and she sighs and sits down and looks at me taking my hands in hers. "I'm pregnant" I say "your what" she asks covering her mouth with her eyes tearing up "your going to have a grandchild" I smile and she hugs me. "My baby" she cries. I don't think I have ever seen my mum this happy.

"Where's the daddy" she asks "mum your making it sound like Malcom isn't the dad" I say "sorry by where is he" she asks "on a plane to see his mum" I smile and she nods.

Family days were always the best in my eyes. I hardly got to spend time with family because of work but i always find some time but it's hard.

After a few hours Freya wanted to go home so I said goodbye and took her home. We ended up cuddling on the sofa for the rest of the night eating.

Ava was in bed. I got a message telling me that he has arrived and that he would call me but he's tired, which made me laugh and just reply Okay with love hearts and a Sleep well.

Malcom's PoV
When I arrive I tell Ariana that I had arrived and I went straight to bed since I was shattered.

I woke up in the morning and smile. I get up and go and greet my mum she was happy to see me. "Mum" I say and she looks at me "Ariana's pregnant" I sag and she smiles "my sons gonna be a daddy" she smiles and I nod. She comes and hugs me like she hasn't hugged me before.

Ariana's little Sister (COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now