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"Mac you seriously need to get some sleep"Frankie tells him "what if she wakes up" he asks "we will wake you" Frankie reply's.

"You have a little girl that's going to need you in the morning. I know that your scared about Ariana but Minnie's needs you as well" Freya tells him. "I know" Mac sighs standing up from the chair and going over to where Ava and Minnie was and kissing his baby girls forehead. "Mac I'll move Ava" Freya tells him getting up and picking her sleeping baby girl up and carrying her to her seat and sitting down with her.

Mac lies down on the sofa with Minnie wrapping her in his arms before falling asleep.

"Where am I" Ariana wakes up confused "hospital"Freya tells her. Ariana started to cry as she remembers what happened. She looks over to Mac and Minnie and smiles.

Ariana didn't want to ask, she was scared.

"Do you want me to wake him" Frankie asks and Ariana nods her head. He goes over and taps Macs shoulder and he opens his eyes. He gets up leaving Minnie asleep.

Mac gives her a hug and a kiss thankful that's she's awake. "Am I okay" Ariana asks "do you remember what happened" he asks and she nods.

"Mrs McCormick" the doctor comes in and Ariana and Mac look away from each other. "Unfortunately from the loose of blood you have lost the baby" he sighs and Ariana starts to cry and so does Mac.

Mac climbs on the bed and pulls Ariana into his arms. Frankie and Freya both pick up Ava and Minnie and leave the room leaving them to be alone.

"I'm sorry" Ariana tells him "don't be sorry baby girl it's okay this isn't your fault" he says rubbing her back "I know how much you wanted this baby" she tells him looking up to his eyes "and things like this happen Ariana" he tells her wiping away a tear of his.

"How you feeling" Mac asks her "a little drowsy" Ariana tells him "why don't you sleep" he asks "no I've been asleep for ages" she tells him "Ariana you need to recover. Your body is tired and that's okay" he tells her rubbing her back and she nods laying her head down on his shoulder before falling back to sleep.

Mac gets off the bed leaving his girl sleeping. He walks out to the private waiting room to find the other. He diverted to the bathroom to sort him self out. Loosing a child is never good.

After he had sorted him self out he went to the waiting room. "Daddy" Minnie runs into his arms. He picks her up and sits her on his hip as he walks over to the others.

"How is she" they asks "asleep" he tells them. "I'm sorry Mac" Frankie tells him "these things happen" he sighs. "It's my fault" Freya tells him "don't Freya, we got her checked after the kick and everything was fine" he tells her and she nods.

"Is mummy okay daddy" Minnie asks "when mummy wakes up me and mummy will tell you what's happened"Mac tells her and she nods.

Mac stands up and gives Minnie to Frankie and he sits next to Freya. "It's okay" he tells her "I know you told me it's not my fault but I feel like it is. She got kicked because of me and then she found out she was pregnant and now look she's" she stops remembering Minnie's in the room. "Freya it's okay, none of this is your fault ok" he reminds her and she nods.

Mac holds his eyes closed for a few seconds trying to stop the tears from running from his eyes.

"Should we go and see if mummy's awake" he asks Minnie who nods jumping off Frankie lap and running to the door. Luckily it was closed so she couldn't get out. "Should we go home" Frankie asks him "I don't know Ariana might want to see you I'm not sure" he tells them and he nods.

He picks up Minnie not wanting her to run off. They walk into the hospital room and Ariana smiles "hi princess" she smiles "mummy's been crying" she pouts. Mac puts her in the bed and she cuddles into her mum. "Can you please tell me now" Minnie asks her farther.

Mac looks at Ariana and she nods. "Do you know how me and daddy told you that you were going to be a sister" Ariana asks her and she notices Mac tearing up and she motions him to get on the bed too. He climbs in and she cuddles him letting him know it's okay to be upset. "Yes mummy" Minnie says looking up to her mother. "Mummy lost the baby" she says sadly.

Minnie climbs up and kisses her mothers check "it's okay Mummy don't be sad you still have me" she says making Ariana's heart melt at the innocence of her baby girl. She knew that she didn't understand.

"Frankie it's okay you can come in" Ariana tells him wiping away a tear that had fallen. He comes and gives her a hug "I'm so sorry Ariana" he tells her "it's okay Where's Freya" she asks confused.

Freya walks in with Ava, Ariana's Heart broke when she saw her face. She opens her arms for her and she walks into her embrace and Ariana hugs her.

Ariana's little Sister (COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now