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"Freya I have a head ache" Minnie shakes Freya "Minnie" she groans opening her eyes. "How bads your head ache" she asks her "really bad" her eyes water.

Freya slides out of bed and picks her up and carries her downstairs "Did mummy not wake up" Freya asks her and she nods "neither did daddy" she pouts.

Freya gets her some calpol and gives it to her. Freya looks at the time and rolls her eyes. "Come on you" Freya picks her up.

Freya takes her into her room and lays her on the bed with her. She wanted to make sure that she was okay.

"Hows your head now" she asks her "better" Minnie smiles. "You want to go back to you bed or stay here" she asks "Can I stay here" she whispers and Freya nods tucking her under her sheets.

"Night Minnie" Freya smiles "Night Freya" she smiles.

"Baby Where's Minnie" Ariana asks Mac as she walks back from her room. "No idea" she shrugs yawning. "Check Freyas room" he shrugs and Ariana nods.

Ariana walks to Freyas room and Minnie was in her bed. Ariana smiles at how cute they were together before walking Freya up.

"Look who decided to wake up" Freya chuckles, Ariana looks at her confused "Minnie had a head ache in the middle of the night but she couldn't wake you up" she smiles at Ariana "OMG Sorry" Ariana says "it's okay" Freya smiles.

"Mummy" Minnie groans. Ariana rolls her eyes and picks her up "How you feeling princess" Ariana asks her "tired" she moans "Come on then you can stay asleep" she kisses her check.

She carried her through to her bedroom and placed her under the sheets. She pecks her forehead and she goes to sleep.

Ariana gets Mac some clothes since he was in the shower and she didn't want Minnie to see anything.

"Baby you okay" he asks "im okay just Minnie's asleep in our bed and you were here so I thought ild bring you some clothes" she smiles walk-in out the bathroom.

Freya wakes Ava up and makes her some breakfast while Ariana collects washing and takes it to the washing machine. She looks down to the bag on the side and pulls out the top that was half covered in blood and starts to cry. "Ariana Baby" Mac pulls her into a hug, she cries into his chest taking the top out of her hands.

He takes her to the living room and sits her down on his lap. She looks at him and leans in for a kiss.

Freya walked down the stairs and covered her daughters eyes "ARIANA" Freya chuckles "Sorry" Ariana pulls away leaning against Macs chest.

"I don't think out baby girl well" Ariana tells him "what you mean" he asks confused "she woke Freya up because she couldn't wake us up and then she wasn't really happy when I woke her up this morning" Ariana tells him.

He lifts her off his lap and stands up. Ariana stands up with him and follows him up the stairs.

"Baby girl" he whispers into her ear and she opens her eyes. "How you feeling" he asks her and she shakes her head "daddy's trying to help you princess" Ariana bends down beside Mac "mummy" she sits up climbing into Ariana's arms "what's wrong princess" she asks "am I ever going to have a brother or sister" she asks her eyes watering.

Ariana's eyes instantly fill with tears and so Do Macs. "Maybe" Ariana tries to hold backs a few tears. Mac wipes his eyes as he rubs Ariana's back in small circles.

They all share a hug. "Sorry mummy I didn't mean to make you cry" she pouts "it's okay baby girl" she kisses her check.

Ariana wipes her tears as they pull away "Let's get you some something to eat" Ariana smiles standing up resting her on her hip.

Ariana's little Sister (COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now