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Ariana POV
"Come on princess" I lift Minnie into my arms as we leave the hospital. "Mummy having baby" she asks "I am" I smile down at her "me going to be a sister" she cheers "Don't tell anyone princess okay" I tell her and she nods.

"Mummy shouldn't be lifting someone heavy" Mac tells her "no mummy don't put me down" Minnie cry's "mummys not going to be able to pick you up baby girl" I tell her sadly "I don't want you to have the baby then" she pouts making me and Mac chuckles.

"Come to daddy princess I'll carry you" Mac says and I hand her over. She gives me a sad look. Mac rubs my back and I smile at him.

"Mummy How are babies made" she asks confused "That's something that you will find out when your older" I chuckle. We put her in the car and cover her with the blanket hoping that she would fall asleep.

We get in the car and Mac drives us home. We arrive and Freya smiles at us. "Where you 3 been" she asks "to check on my stomach" I sag and she nods sadly "I'm so sorry Ariana" she says "it's okay" I smile at her giving her a hug.

Freya POV
I felt so bad, if anyone should have been kicked it should have been me not my sister. No one should have been kick anyone because it's not right.

Ava's been crying since she came in my room last night and I feel like I have broken my little girl.

My little girl should not have seen what happened or even witnessed what happened. She's terrified.

Ariana must have know I was hurting because Mac took Ava and Minnie to the park. She sat me down and grabbed hold of my hands "Is okay" she tells me "Ariana it's not Ava hasn't stopped crying you got kicked in your stomach and Minnie's become clingy and what's happens to me I got pushed against a wall and got screamed at" I sigh Freya stop thinking about it, when Ava comes back why don't you spend some time with her, let her know that she isn't going to get hurt okay" Ariana tells me and I nod laying my head on her lap and she stroke my hair.

Ariana POV
Seeing Freya this way is breaking my heart. She gave her heart out again to be left broken hearted. Ava's lucky she's got an amazing mum that's going to take care of her no matter what.

Ever since we were little I've stroked her hair. I worked out that it was comfort to her.

Malcom's PoV
"Come on Ava it's okay" I take her hair and she removes it placing her arms in the air and I chuckle and pick her up and she hugs me. "Daddy can I go and play" Minnie asks as we enter the soft play area "take your shoes off and you can" I smile a her and she hands me her shoes and runs off.

I sit down with Ava on my lap. "You want to go and play" I ask her and she shakes her head "mummys safe with Ariana I promise" I tell her "okay" she says still not sure if she could trust that her mother was safe.

She takes off her shoes and runs and plays with Minnie. I watch them play together. Ava looked back at me every so often to check that I was there.

"Mac" she comes running back crying. "What reign baby girl" I ask "Mummys injured we need to go home" she says "I'll call mummy okay" I tell her and she nods.

Freya POV
"Macs calling" I ask Ariana confused "answer it" she tells me.

"Baby girl what's wrong" my heart breaks as I see Ava crying through the phone "Mummy are you okay" she asks "I'm fine I promise why don't you have fun baby girl and when you come home me and you will have a mummy daughter night" I ask and she nods.

I put the phone down as she passes the phone back to Mac and runs off.

"I'm going to go and clean your room for you" Ariana says "Ariana you can't clean my room for me" I pull her back "I am" she says and I give in and let her go.

Ariana POV
I throw all Hakes clothes in a bin bag and remove anything that could remind her of him and placing it on the door step and change her bedding for her.

I bend over forgetting about my stomach and let out a small cry as I was taken over in pain.  I brush it off and leave her room and clean all the other bedroom.

"Mummy" Minnie smiles giving me a hug "hi baby did you have a good time with daddy" I ask and she nods "he took us to the play area" she smiles and Mac comes in our room and gives me a kiss.

"How are you Baby" he asks "I'm fine" I smile at him "how's your tummy" Minnie asks giving it a kiss making both our heart melt "my tummy's fine baby girl"I smile at her "and the baby" she asks "the baby's fine" I chuckle giving her a kiss.

"Can I have a drink" she asks "you can get one your self if you want" I smile at her and she runs off.

Mac takes my hand and lifts me up and pulls me into a hug. "You alright baby"he asks me and I nod "just tired" I chuckle "pregnancy hormones" we both chuckle at the same time.

"I love you Malcom" I peck his lips "I love you too Ariana" he smiles rubbing my stomach a little before he scopes me up and places me on the bed "nap baby girl" he tells me and I pout my lips wanting a kiss which he happily does

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