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Ariana got out of bed and walked to Melody's room and picked her up from her cot and fed her. "Ariana" Malcolm say making her open her eyes "don't fall asleep  feeding her" he chuckles walking over to her and comforting her. 

She finished feeding her and put her back in her cot. Malcom picked Ariana up and carried her back to the bedroom. He laid her down and she falls asleep.

Malcom left the room and went down to get a drink. "what are you doing awake" Malcom asks Freya "I can't sleep" she sighs and Malcom sits next to her "hows Ariana" Freya asks him "tired" he tells her "she nearly fell asleep feeding" he chuckles "bless her" Freya giggles.

Malcom yawned and said night to Freya before going back upstairs to bed. He pulled Ariana close to him and cuddled her before he fell asleep.

Minnie woke up and went into her parents room. She climbed on the bed and sat down realising that she couldn't get in between them since they were cuddled close together. "Mummy" She Taps her and Ariana opens her eyes and shuffled out of Malcom's grip "yes princess" Ariana asks her "I want a cuddle" she asks and Ariana moves over so she could get in and Minnie snuggles close to her.

"Mummy do I have to go to school" Minnie asks her "why baby" Ariana asks "because I want to stay home and look after Melody with you" she ask "me and daddy need to discuss this because we want what's best for you" Ariana tells her "don't you want to meet new friends at school" Ariana asks her and she shakes her head "people are mean" she giggles.

Ariana got out of bed with Minnie and they woke up Melody. "Can I change her mummy please can I" Minnie asks and Ariana nods. She lets Minnie change her bum while Ariana got out a baby grow for her to wear.

"Ariana mummy won't wake up" Ava says "what do you want mummy for" Ariana asks "I need a cup and I can't reach" she pouts "I'll be down in a second and I'll get you one okay" Ariana asks and she nods.

Ariana picked Melody up while taking her downstairs and laid her on the floor while Minnie entertained her.

Ariana got her a cup and made Ava a drink. "Thank you" Ava smiles "your welcome" Ariana smiles. "Would you like some breakfast" Ariana asks her and she nods.

Ariana made Minnie and Ava something to eat and they both sat at the table and ate. "Morning babu" Ariana smiles giving Malcom a hug "Morning princess" he smiles kissing her check. "Daddy I'm the princess" Minnie pouts "oh sorry mummy's my queen" he chuckles walking over and kissing her forehead and giving Ava a hug.

"Has Freya been awake" Malcom asks Ariana "no why" Ariana asks confused "she couldn't sleep last night" Malcom tells him and she nods.

Ariana jumps and goes into the living room at the crying of her daughter "mummy what's wrong with her" Minnie asks "I don't know princess" Ariana asks. She didn't want feeding, he nappy was clean and they had tried everything.

Minnie sat on the couch and she cuddled Melody. Melody's still cries but her crying wasn't as loud as it was when she wasn't in Anyone's arms.

"What's wrong with Melody" Freya asks yawning "we don't know we've tried everything" Ariana sighs "how come you couldn't sleep last night" Ariana asks her giving her a hug "I don't know I just felt horrible when I was in bed like warm and sticky" she says "oh right" Ariana nods.

"Mummy I think she wants feeding sea grabbing my top" Minnie says "alright baby" Ariana tells Minnie kissing her check lifting Melody out of her arms. Ariana lifted up her top and let Melody eat.

"Hi Karen" Ariana smiles as she sees Karen come through the door. "Hi sweetie" she smiles. Ariana stops feeding and Melody starts crying again and Ariana sighs.

"Ariana what's wrong" Karen asks "she's cried all day" Ariana sighs and Karen holds out her arms for Melody and Ariana pasted her over and Melody instantly stopes crying.

"How did you get her to stop" Malcom asks not looking up from his phone "oh hi Mum" he chuckles giving her a hug "your mum happened" she smiles.

"Minnie slow down Freya's just cleaned the floor be careful" Ariana calls to Minnie So was running in the living room.

"Well I had got her to sleep for you" Karen smiles "omg thank you I feel like a shit mother" Ariana sighs and Minnie stops "Mummy that's naughty" Minnie says "sorry princess" Ariana says.

"Your far from a shit mother Ariana your the bed mother" Karen smiles "Minnie come here let's put your cream on before you itch" Ariana says feeling her getting frustrated. Minnie pouts but follows her mother to the bedroom. "When do I get to stop having this" Minnie asks "I don't know princess" Ariana tells her. Giving her a kiss.

"Hopefully when you go back to the doctor later you will get the clear because you look better" Ariana tells her "no mummy I don't like them looking there" Minnie whines "baby girl I'll be with you" Ariana tells her and she nods. "It feels wired" she pouts making Ariana chuckle at her innocence.

Minnie got the clear, they got told to apply cream if she did get itchy but they didn't need to apply it everyday.

I have started book 2.

This book is ended.

Chapter one of book 2 is out.

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